Speeches by Academicians


La agonía del estado
Admission speech by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Mr. Fernando Ónega López, journalist, and reply by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Genufonía: “Lenguaje de la rodilla”
Admission speech by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Pedro Guillén García, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, and reply by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Aspectos fundamentales e inéditos del trasplante de órganos abdominales. Experiencia personal en el Hospital Universitario Doce de Octubre
Admission speech by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Enrique Moreno González, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, and reply by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Francisco González de Posada, Doctor of Civil Engineering

Persona y paciente: La relación médico-paciente desde una mirada humanista
Admission speech by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mr. Xavier Sanz Latiesas, Doctor of Biomedicine, and reply from the Numerary Member His Excellency Mr. Dr. Joaquín Callabed Carracedo, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Las aguas misteriosas de la Galicia interior: Ourense
Admission speech by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. María Generosa Souto Figueroa, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, and reply from the Numerary Member His Excellency Mr. Dr. Joaquim Gironella Coll, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Pasado, presente y futuro del capital privado
Admission speech by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Mr. Carlos Mallo Álvarez, Agricultural Engineer, MBA, Financial and Entrepreneur, and reply by the Emeritus Member, His Excellency Dr. Carlos Mallo Rodríguez, Doctor of Economic Sciences

La sociedad civil como motor de Barcelona y de Catalunya
Admission speech by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Mr. Enrique Lacalle Coll, Businessman and President of the Círculo Ecuestre de Barcelona, ​​and reply by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Josep Sánchez Llibre, Businessman, economist and President of Fomento del Trabajo Nacional

El dividendo social de las cajas de ahorro frente al dividendo bancario
Admission speech by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Sebastián Sastre Papiol, Doctor of Law, and reply by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Mr. José María Coronas Guinart, Lawyer and Economist


Dos boticas monacales de los reyes de España: Guadalupe y Yuste (Two monastic pharmacies of the kings of Spain: Guadalupe and Yuste)
Admission speech by the Corresponding Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Cecilio José Venegas Fito, Doctor of Pharmacy, and response from the Numerary Member His Excellency Mr. Dr. Rafael Urrialde de Andrés, Doctor in Biological Sciences

Cómo serán o deberían ser los hospitales en el futuro (What hospitals will be or should be like in the future)
Admission speech by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Antonio Zapatero Gaviria, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, and response by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Aldo Olcese Santonja, Doctor in Financial Economics

Neurociencia y Derecho penal (Neuroscience and Criminal Law)
Admission speech by the Honorary Member, His Excellency Dr. Pedro Rocamora García-Valls, Doctor of Law, Psychology and Medicine-Neuroscience, with response by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Dr. M. Àngels Calvo Torras, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy

Inducción a la neuroplasticidad en la rehabilitación de las hemianopsias homónimas o en las pérdidas sectoriales de campo (Induction to neuroplasticity in the rehabilitation of homonymous hemianopias or in sectoral field losses)
Admission speech by the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Fernando-José Palomar Mascaró, Doctor of Optometry, with response by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Dr. José María Simón Castellví, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La Singularidad Relativa en Marketing: Tecnología y Humanidad en la Era de la IA,
Admission speech by the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. David López-López, Doctor of Economic, Social and Legal Sciences, with response by the Corresponding Academician, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Jorge Bachs Ferrer, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences

El Estado de Derecho en la Unión Europea: de un valor político a su dimensión financiera
Admission speech by the Numerary Member, Excmo. Sr. Dr. Francisco Fonseca Morillo, Doctor of Law, with response by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Aldo Olcese Santonja, Doctor of Financial Economics

La medalla de premio en la publicidad. Exposiciones, marcas y propaganda en Cataluña (1888-1929),
Admission speech by the Numerary Member, Excmo. Sr. Dr. Albert Estrada-Rius, Doctor of Law and History, with response by the Numerary Member, His Excellency Mrs. Dr. M. Àngels Calvo Torras, Doctor in Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy

La inteligencia artificial (IA) aplicada en la psicología criminal y forense: ¿reto, realidad o ficción?
Admission speech by the Corresponding Member, His Excellency. Mr. Dr. Bernat-Noël Tiffon Nonis, Doctor in Legal and Forensic Medicine, and reply from the Honorary Member His Excellency. Mr. Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor in Social and Human Sciences; Legal and Economic Sciences; and Administration and Senior Management of Companies

“Acceso a la vivienda: análisis de la situación y propuestas de actuación”
Admission speech by the Numerary Member Excm. Sr. Dr. Fernando Pedro Méndez González, Doctor en Dret i Ciència Política, i contestació de l’Acadèmica Numerària Excma. Sra. Dra. Teresa Freixes Sanjuán, Doctora en Dret

La biorregión cantábrico-mediterránea “bioebro”. Un modelo gravitatorio de ordenación territorial funcional
Admission speech by the Numerary Member Excm. Sr. Dr. Josep Maria Franquet Bernis, Doctor en Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials, Doctor Enginyer Superior i Doctor en Arquitectura, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Frederic Borràs Pàmies, Doctor en Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials

Destino de una vida audaz y poliédrica: de nadador de competición a empresario sanitario y abuelo feliz
Admission speech by the Honorary Member Excm. Sr. Gabriel Masfurroll Lacambra, Economista, Empresari i Filantrop, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Jaume Llopis Casellas, Doctor en Economia i Direcció d’Empreses

La fractura del orden internacional
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Manuel Muñiz Villa, Doctor en Relacions Internacionals, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor en Medicina i Cirurgia

Auditoría: un pasado emocionante y un futuro resiliente
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmic d’Honor Excm. Sr. Dr. Carlos Puig de Travy, Doctor en Ciències Econòmiques, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor en Ciències Econòmiques

Analecta semántica y etimológica del término vox en la Edad Media
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Héctor Guerrero Rodríguez, Doctor en Arts, i contestació de l’Acadèmica Numerària Excma. Sra. Dra. M. Àngels Calvo Torras, Doctora en Veterinària i en Farmàcia

“El liderazgo humanista como generador de cambios en la Administración Pública”
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Académica d’Honor Excma. Sra. Rosa Carolina Mejía Gómez, Alcaldessa del Districte Nacional de Santo Domingo, a República Dominicana, i contestació de l’Acadèmica Numerària Excma. Sra. Dra. M. Àngels Calvo Torras, Doctora en Veterinària i en Farmàcia

“Capital humain et qualité des institutions: catalyseurs de l’accélération de la transformation structurelle en Afrique Subsaharienne”
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmic d’Honor Excm. Sr. Dr. Alban Ahouré, Doctor en Economia, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Jaume Llopis Casellas, Doctor en Economia i Direcció d’Empreses

Ethos de la dirección de empresas. El reto de un giro humanista centrado en la persona
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Domènec Melé Carné, Doctor en Enginyeria Industrial i en Teologia, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Francesc Torralba Roselló, Doctor en Filosofia i en Ciències de l’Educació

La sostenibilidad y la ética empresarial: ‘de los cuentos a las cuentas’
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Javier López-Galiacho Perona, Doctor en Dret, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Aldo Olcese Santonja, Doctor en Economia Financera

La Medicina y la Cooperación, cerrando el círculo con la neurocirugía, un gran reto para los países en desarrollo
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Jesús Lafuente Baraza, Doctor en Medicina i Cirurgia, i contestació de l’Acadèmica Numerària Excma. Sra. Dra. Teresa Freixes Sanjuán, Doctora en Dret

“El Derecho comparado como método de enseñanza. De la Universidad de Bolonia al siglo XXI”
Discurso de ingreso de la Académica Numeraria Excma. Sra. Dra. Soledad Atienza Becerril, Doctora en Ciències Socials, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor en Dret

Las tres claves principales de una ‘start-up’ exitosa
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmic d’Honor Excm. Sr. Dídac Lee, Reconegut emprenedor i inversor tecnològic, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Jaume LLopis i Casellas, Doctor en Economia i Direcció d’Empreses

Ejercicio físico y nutrición: sinergia para un estilo de vida saludable
Discurs d’ingrés de l’Acadèmica Numerària Excma. Sra. Dra. Marcela González-Gross, Doctora en Farmàcia, i contestació de l’Acadèmic Numerari Excm. Sr. Dr. Rafael Urrialde de Andrés, Doctor en Ciències Biològique

La innovación abierta como (potencial) motor de crecimiento de las personas y de la empresa
Acceptance speech by the Numerary Member Excellency Ms. Dr. Mª Julia Prats Moreno, Doctor in Business Administration, with response by the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Pedro Nueno Iniesta, Doctor in Business Administration and Management

La tentación del catastrofismo
Acceptance speech by the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Jorge Molinero Huguet, Doctor Engineer of roads, canals and ports, with response by the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Pablo-Ignacio de Dalmases y de Olabarría, Doctor in History


La ciencia de la espermatología: del origen de la disciplina al paradigma actual
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Marc Yeste Oliveras, Doctor in Cellular Biology, and response by the Numerary Member Excellency Ms. Dr. Maria dels Àngels Calvo Torras, Doctor in Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy

La Antropología de Iberoamérica: pasado y presente
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Ángel-Baldomero Espina Barrio, and response by the Emeritus Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Ángel Aguirre Baztán, both doctors in Philosophy and Letters

El Motor Creativo. Del Homo sapiens a la Inteligencia Artificial
Admission speech of the Honorary Member Mr. Ildefonso García Serena, Dean em. from the College of Marketing and Communication of Catalonia, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Jaume Llopis Casellas, Doctor in Economics and Business Management

¿Hacia dónde va la publicidad? Lecciones del pasado para discernir el futuro
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Alfonso Méndiz Noguero, and response from the Corresponding Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Francisco Javier Garrido Morales, Doctor in Economics and Business Management

Interacciones entre alimentos y medicamentos
Admission speech of the Corresponding Member Excmo. Sr. Aquilino J. García Perea, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Rafael Urrialde de Andrés, Doctor in Biological Sciences

Las instituciones y los empresarios en el siglo XXI
Admission speech of the Honorary Member Excmo. Sr. Josep Sánchez Llibre, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Aldo Olcese Santonja, Doctor in Financial Economics

Momentos estelares del arbitraje
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Gonzalo Stampa, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. José Manuel Calavia Molinero, both Doctors in Law

Souverainetes negatives: Identites culturelles et etat de droit Le cas de l’Afrique sub-saharienne. Un programme
Admission speech of the Corresponding Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Lukas K. Sosoe, Doctor en Filosofía, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Santiago Castellà Surribas, Doctor in Law

Análisis del riesgo de impacto de hidrocarburos, procedentes de los buques en el entorno del parque natural marítimo-terrestre del Cap de Creus
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Amable Vicente Esparza Lorente, Doctor in Nautical Engineering, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. José María Baldasano Recio, Doctor in Chemical Sciences

Una Visión Personal de la Epigenética: De la Biología a la Aplicación Médica
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Manel Esteller Badosa, and response from the Numerary Member Excma. Sra. Dra. Carol Moreno Atanasio, both Doctors of Medicine and Surgery

El Dr. Manuel Corachan Llort: Pionero de la neurocirugía
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Josep Prim Capdevila, and response from the Corresponding Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Fernando Martínez Pintor, both Doctors of Medicine and Surgery

Tierra y mar contra el cáncer ginecológico y mamario
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. José Antonio Lejárcegui Fort, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Camil Andreu Castelo-Branco i Flores, both Doctors of Medicine and Surgery

Tierra y mar contra el cáncer ginecológico y mamario
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. José Antonio Lejárcegui Fort, and response from the Supernumerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Camil Andreu Castelo-Branco i Flores, both Doctors of Medicine and Surgery

El largo camino de la eficiencia
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Carlos Grau Algueró, Doctor in Economics and Business Sciences, and response from the Numerary Member Excma. Sra. Dra. Esther Subirà Lobera, Doctor in Economics and Business Sciences

La metamorfosis del dinero
Admission speech of the Honorary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Antón Gasol Magriñà, Doctor in Economics and Business, and response from the Numerary Member Excma. Sra. Dra. Montserrat Casanovas Ramon, Doctor in Economics and Business Sciences

La riqueza socioemocional: factor clave en la investigación sobre empresa familiar
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Felipe Hernández-Perlines, Doctor in Economics and Business, and response from the Honorary Member Excmo Sr. Dr. Francisco González de Posada, Doctor in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering, in Theology, in Philosophy, in Sociology, in Medicine and in Hispanic Philology

Combatir la infección utilizando nanotransportadores para medicamentos: nanopartículas de sílice, bacterias y células
Admission speech of the Honorary Member Excma. Sra. Dra. Maria Vallet Regí, Doctora en Ciencias Químicas, and response from the Numerary Member Excma. Sra. Dra. M. Àngels Calvo Torras, Doctor in Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy

Salud y Educación Superior: Transiciones y Revoluciones
Admission speech of the Honorary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Julio Frenk Mora, Doctor in Medicine and Sociology, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of medicine and surgery

Inteligencia Artificial y Ética. Abordando los desafíos y construyendo un futuro responsable
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Cecilia Kindelán Amorrich, Doctora en Comunicación, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Rafael Urrialde de Andrés, Doctor in Biological Sciences

El horizonte de sucesos de la justicia penal
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Oscar Morales García, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Fermín Morales Prats, both Doctors in Law

La liturgia del juramento
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Carlos Cortina Riu, Doctor en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. José Ángel Brandín Lorenzo, Doctor in Government and Culture of Organizations

Expansión de empresas Retail en EE.UU
Admission speech of the Corresponding Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Santiago Ferrada Castro, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, both doctors in Economic Sciences

Los ojos figurativos. Significación del ojo humano en diversas culturas (del antiguo Egipto hasta el emblema de la cirugía)
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. José María Simón Castellví, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Joaquín Callabed Carracedo, both Doctors in Medicine and Surgery

Estado actual del derecho penal y la política criminal española
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Luis de las Heras Vives, Doctor in Law, and response from the Numerary Member Excmo. Sr. Dr. Joaquín Callabed Carracedo

Factores Biopsicosociales y Algología Antropológica en el paciente con Dolor Crónico
Admission speech of the Corresponding Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Fernando Martínez Pintor, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, and response from the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Joaquín Callabed, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Las nuevas coordenadas de la dirección general. La realidad competitiva actual impone nuevas prácticas, nuevos estilos de liderazgo y nuevos enfoques de dirección en las organizaciones
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Jaume LLopis i Casellas, Doctor in Economics and Business Management, and response from the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Pedro Nueno Iniesta, Doctor in Business Administration and Management.

Compuestos bioactivos de origen vegetal. Nuevo campo de actuación en la estrategia “One Health”
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Rafael Urrialde de Andrés, Doctor in Biological Sciences, and response from the Numerary Member Hon. Mr. Dr. Gregorio Varela Moreiras, Doctor of Pharmacy.


Sobre el Imperio de la Ley
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Dr. Javier Cremades García, Doctor of Law, and reply of the Numerary Member Dra. Teresa Freixes Sanjuán, Doctor in Law

La condición de independencia e imparcialidad en derecho: su contraste con la antropología y los sesgos cognitivos
Admission speech of the Corresponding Member Dr. Enrique Morera Guajardo, Doctor of Law, and reply of the Numerary Member Dr. Jaume Armengou Orús, Doctor in Civil Engineering

El proceso de decisión del consumidor digital y su comportamiento en las redes sociales
Admission speech of the Corresponding Dr. Juan José Delgado Soriano, Doctor in Digital Economy, and reply of the Numerary Member Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor in Economics

La psiquiatría ante la historia de la cultura
Admission speech of the Corresponding Academician for Egypt Dr. Leopoldo Ortega-Monasterio y Gastón, Doctor of Medicine, and reply of the Numerary Member Excma. Sra. Dra. M. Àngels Calvo,Doctor in Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy

Occidente en la encrucijada (una visión desde el Derecho y las Ciencias Sociales)
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Dr. Daniel Berzosa López,Doctor of Law, and reply of the Numerary AcademicianExcma. Sra. Dra. Teresa Freixes Sanjuán, Doctor in law

La Refundación del Sistema Cameral y la Creación de la Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de España. La ley 4/2014 del 1 de Abril
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Dr. José Luis Bonet Ferrer, Doctor of Law, and reply of the Numerary Member Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trias de Bes, Doctor in Law, Economics, Humanities and History.

The Journey
Admission speech of the Corresponding Academician for Egypt Dr. Hisham el Sherif, Doctor in Engineering, and reply of the Numerary Member Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Role of University Research in creating new economic markets
Admission speech of the Corresponding Member for USA Exmo. Sr. Dr. Randy K. Avent, Doctor in Engineering, and reply of the Numerary Member Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Reflexiones costumbristas de un científico de computadores sobre lo finito y lo infinito
Admission speech of the Honorary Member Mateo Valero Cortés, Doctor in Telecommunications Engineering, and answer of the Numerary Member Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Disociados (desbordados). El futuro social de la humanidad
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Dr. Francisco Marco Fernández, Doctor of Law, and reply of the Numerary Academician Dr. Fermin Morales Prats, Dr. of law

XXVII siglos de Historia de La Salud a través de la Numismática: De la moneda lidia a la tarjeta de crédito
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Dr. Jaime Casas Pla, Doctor of Pharmacy, and reply of the Numerary Academician Dr. Joaquín Callabed Carracedo, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery and specialist in Pediatrics

La salut sexual en dones sobrevivents a un càncer de mama
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Dr. Camil Andreu Castelo-Branco i Flores,Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, and reply of the Supernumerary Academician Dr. Xavier Iglesias i Guiu, Doctor of Medicine and Gynecology

Los títulos jurídicos de España en la Costa Noroccidental de África
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Dr. Pablo-Ignacio de Dalmases y de Olabarría, Doctor of History, with response by Dr. Ignacio Buqueras y Bach, Doctor of Information Sciences

La Nueva Era de la Comunicación Empresarial: Creativa, Innovadora, Digital y Global
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Dr. María Luisa del Pozo Lite, Doctor of Information Sciences, with response by Dr. Pedro Nueno Iniesta, Doctor of Business Administration by Harvard University

La salut sexual en dones sobrevivents a un càncer de mama
Admission speech of the Numerary Member Dr. Camil Andreu Castelo-Branco i Flores, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, with response by Dr. Xavier Iglesias i Guiu


“De com parlen els virus a la Biotecnologia”
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Rosa Maria Pintó i Solé, Doctor of biology, with response by Dr. Albert Bosch Navarro, Doctor of biology

Cambio de Paradigma en la Medicina: La Leucemia Linfocítica Crónica como Ejemplo de Medicina de Precisión
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Carol Moreno Atanasio, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, with response by Dr. Maria dels Àngels Calvo Torras, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine y Doctor of Pharmacy

La justicia, el Law y la genética: una nueva igualdad de oportunidades
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Dr. Óscar López Martínez de Septién, Doctor of Law, with response by Dr. Teresa Freixes Sanjuán, Doctor of Law

Buscando la excelencia comercial. La dirección de equipos en tiempos de Pandemia
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Cosimo Chiesa de Negri, Doctor of Economic Sciences and Marketing, with response by Dr. Pedro Nueno Iniesta, Doctor of Business Administration and Management from Harvard University

Terminales portuarias de contenedores y la eficiencia de la infraestructura en España
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Dr. Amable Vicente Esparza Lorente, Doctor of Nautical Engineering, with response by Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trias de Bes, Doctor of Law

Tratamiento de las hemianopsias homónimas con los prismas adosados de Palomar
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Dr. Fernando-José Palomar Mascaró, Doctor of Optometría, with response by Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trias de Bes, Doctor of Law

Entendiendo la biology y funcionamiento de las células madre pluripotentes: un viaje en el tiempo para generar mini-órganos à la carte en el laboratorio
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Nuria Montserrat Pulido, Doctor of biology, with response by Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Envejecimiento activo: salud y bienestar en las personas mayores
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Laura Rojas-Marcos Sánchez-Bedoya, Doctor in Clinical, Forensic and Health Psychology, with response by Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La Patum, auto sacramental de liturgia, ritmo, música y fuego
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Dr. Carlos Cortina Riu, Doctor of Advertising and Public Relations, with response by Dr. José Ángel Brandín Lorenzo, Doctor of Government and Culture of Organizations


Desde los presupuestos públicos hacia una nueva sociedad. El caso de Dinamarca y las aportaciones de Big Data
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Mercedes Pifarré Llor, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences, with response by Dr. Jordi Martí Pidelaserra, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences

La correspondencia de Martin Heidegger, testimonio de su giro político
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Raimund Herder, Doctor of Philosophy,
with response by Dr. Francesc Torralba Roselló, Doctor of Philosophy y Ciencias de la Educación

El aritmómetro electromecánico de Torres Quevedo (1920), primer ordenador. Conmemoración de su centenario (2020) a la luz de la historia de la ciencia del último siglo
Discurso de ingreso del académico de Honor Dr. Francisco González de Posada, Doctor of Road, Canal and Port Engineering, of Theology, of Philosophy, of Sociology, of Medicine and Soctor of Hispanic Philology;
with response by Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La imagen de marca de país. Posicionamiento o reposicionamiento de las naciones en el tablero mundial
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. M. Esther Subirá Lobera, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences, y contestación de la Académica Numeraria Dr. Montserrat Casanovas Ramon, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences


Una mirada a Santiago Ramón i Cajal en su perfil humano y humanista
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Joaquín Callabed Carracedo, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; and specialist in Paediatrics; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine, of Pharmacy and of Basic and Applied Neuroscience.

Paradigmas financieros en tela de juicio
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Joan Massons i Rabassa, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration Sciences; with response by Dr. José Maria Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration Sciences

La contabilidad y sus adaptaciones sectoriales. El caso especial del sector hotelero
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Dr. Ramón M. Soldevila de Monteys, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration Sciences; with response by Dr. Juan F. Corona Ramon, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration Sciences

La lógica difusa en la decisión de inversión empresarial frente al riesgo: 20 años entre la investigación pura y la aplicada
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Member Dr. Richard Onses, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration Sciences; with response by Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor of Law

De la Tierra a la Luna
Acceptance speech by the Honorary Members HE. Mr. Joan Roca i Fontané, HE. Mr. Josep Roca i Fontané and HE. Mr. Jordi Roca i Fontané; respectively: Chef, Chef de Sala and Sommelier and Chef pastry chef at Celler Can Roca.
Contestació dels Acadèmics Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Dr. Juan Francisco Corona Ramón y Dr. Santiago Castellà Surribas

De la belleza de los materiales a las artes y las tecnologías avanzadas para la sociedad innovadora del siglo XXI
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Josep Maria Guilemany Casadamon, Doctor in Chemical Engineering; with response by Dr. Javier Gil Mur, Doctor in Chemical Engineering and Materials

Los Retos de la Sociedad Civil en una Democracia Avanzada
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Aldo Olcese Santonja, Doctor in Financial Economics; with response by Dr. Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau, Doctor in Economics and Doctor in Laws

Los dientes del comer al lucir: evolución de los materiales odontológicos y cambios sociales
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Lluís Giner Tarrida, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Doctor in Pharmacy, Doctor in Basic and Applied Neuroscience

Sujeto de la creatividad para ser más competitivos: el individuo creativo
Acceptance speech by Honorary Academician Hble. Mr. Joan Renart Cava; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Doctor in Pharmacy, Doctor in Basic and Applied Neuroscience

Societat plural i Religions
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Antoni Matabosch i Soler; with response by Dr. David Jou Mirabent, Doctor of Physics

Marketing Cuántico, un nuevo paradigma de Marketing para dar un salto en la gestión de los clientes
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Josep Alet i Vilaginés; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós

La confianza razonada: un medio para la gestión de la incertidumbre en los procesos de las organizaciones
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. José Ángel Brandín Lorenzo, Doctor in Government and Culture of Organizations; with response by Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor of Human, Social and Legal Sciences and Doctor of Advanced Business Administration

¿Estamos preparados para la próxima crisis?
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Frederic Borràs Pàmies, Doctor of Economics and Business Science; with response by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Economic Science and Doctor of Law

El Patrimonio Mundial Cultural, Natural e Inmaterial de España
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Ignacio Buqueras y Bach, Doctor of Information Sciences; with response by Dr. Aldo Olcese Santonja, Doctor in Financial Economics

Del Milagro de Israel a la inversión inmobiliaria en España
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Alberto Antolí Méndez, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor of Human, Social and Legal Sciences and Doctor of Advanced Business Administration

El actual cambio climático: una visión holística de la crisis climática
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. José María Baldasano Recio, PhD in Chemical Sciences; with response by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Economic Science and Doctor of Law

Genética Molecular y Biocronogerontología en la era Postgenómica. Sirtuinas. Anti-Aging. Klotho ¿Son las Sirtuinas el buscado “Elixir de Juventud”? El Filum Galénico de la Familia Corominas (200 años)
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. August Corominas Vilardell Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós,Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, Doctor in Pharmacy, Doctor in Basic and Applied Neuroscience

Intraemprendiendo. Emprender dentro de la empresa
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Pedro Nueno Iniesta, PhD in Business Administration and Management from Harvard University; with response by Dr. José Ramón Calvo, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

“Evolución y revolución en el conocimiento científico de la ingesta dietética en España”
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Gregorio Varela Moreiras, Doctor of Pharmacy; with response by Dr. Javier Aranceta Bartrina, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

“Días de Campo”
Acceptance speech by the Tenured Academician Dr. Emilio Gil Moya, Doctor of Agronomic Engineering; with response by Dr. Javier Gil Mur, Doctor in Chemical Engineering and Materials

“Triangulaciones post-impresionistas”
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Academician Dr. Ramón-Ricardo Vidal y Plana, Doctor of Biological Sciences and Doctor of Pharmacology, with response by Dr. Richard Onses, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences

“Panamá, puente entre continentes”
Acceptance speech by the Corresponding Academician Dr. Alejandro Pursals Puig, Doctor of Economic Sciences; with response by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Economic Science and Doctor of Law


Avances Tecnológicos en Implantología Oral: hacia los implantes dentales inteligentes
Acceptance speech by the tenured academician Dr. Javier Gil Mur, Doctor in Chemical Engineering and Materials, Rector of the University of Catalonia ; with response by Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea, Doctor in Law and Naval Engineering.


La función del marketing en la empresa y en la economía
Acceptance speech by tenured academicianDr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese, Doctor in Economics and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea, Doctor in Law and Naval Engineering

El nuevo materialismo del siglo XXI: Luces y sombras
Acceptance speech by the tenured academician Dr. Mar Alonso Almeida, Dr. in Economics and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Pedro Aznar Alarcón

La dinámica mayoría – minoría en las sociedades de capital
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Rodolfo Fernández-Cuellas, Doctor in Law; with response by Dr. Emili Gironella Masgrau, Doctor in Economics and Business Sciences

Rubén Darío, Japón y Japonismo
Acceptance speech by honorary academician, Hble. Mr. Naohito Watanabe, General Consul of Japan in Barcelona; with response by Dr. José María Bové Montero. Doctor in Business Administration and Management

Farmacología Pediátrica: pasado, presente y perspectivas de futuro
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Mª Asunción Peiré García, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pere Gascón Vilaplana, Doctor in medicine

Pluralismo y Corporativismo. El freno a la Economía dinámica
Acceptance speech by the tenured academician Dr. Juan Vicente Sola, Doctor in law and economics; with response by the Nobel Prize and Honorary Academician Dr. Edmund Phelps

El valor del liderazgo
Acceptance speech by the tenured academician Dr. Mireia Las Heras Maestro, Doctor in Business Administration; with response by Dr. José Antonio Segarra

Reflexiones sobre la autoría de las publicaciones científicas
Acceptance speech by the corresponding academician Excma. Sra. Dra. Marta Pulido Mestre, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós

Perspectiva Humanística de la Bioética en Estomatología/Odontología
Acceptance speech by the tenured academician Dr. Josep Maria Ustrell i Torrent, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; specialist in Stomatology (1982) and Orthodontics (2011); with response by Dr. Ferran Guedea Edo

Evolución de la información relacionada con la alimentación y la nutrición: retos de adaptación por el consumidor
Acceptance speech by the corresponding academician Dr. Rafael Urrialde de Andrés, Doctor in Biological Sciences; with response by Dr. Lluís Serra Majem

De la neurocirugía mística de la antigüedad, a los retos que afrontan en el siglo XXI. Los cambios de paradigma según la evolución de la Neurocirugía en el tiempo
Acceptance speech by the corresponding academician Dr. Jesús Lafuente Baraza,, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Luis Carrière Lluch

La Unitat de Tuberculosi Experimental. 20 anys d’història
Acceptance speech by the tenured academician Dr. Pere-Joan Cardona i Iglesias, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Emili Gironella Masgrau

Noucentisme, avantguardisme i model de país: la centralitat de la cultura
Acceptance speech by the tenured academician Dr. Mariàngela Vilallonga Vives, Doctor in Classical Philology; with response by Dr. Maria dels Àngels Calvo Torras

Abrir las puertas de la Biblioteca de Alejandría
Acceptance speech by the tenured academician Dr. Sònia Fernández Vidal, Doctor in Physics; with response by Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández




Relazioni conflittuali nelle aziende familiari: Determinanti – Tipologie; Evoluzione – Esiti
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Salvatore Tomaselli, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration; with response by Dr. Miguel Ángel Gallo Laguna de Rins, Doctor of Industrial Engineering

Sobre el coleccionismo. Introducción a la historia
Acceptance speech by the corresponding academician Dr. Manuel Puig Costa, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Teoria de la semblança i govern universitari
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jaume Armengou Orús, Doctor of Civil Engineering, with response of Dr. Eugenio Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Doctor of Civil Engineering

Història de la malaltia de la investigació oncològica. Retorn als orígens
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Mariano Monzó Planella, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Joaquím Gironella Coll, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Diagnóstico precoz del Cáncer de Pulmón: El Cribado, una herramienta para avanzar en su curación
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Laureano Molins López-Rodó, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós, Doctor en Medicine and Surgery

Honor, crédito en el mercado y la exceptio veritatis
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Felio Vilarrubias Guillamet, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La vida és una llarga oxidació
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Nicole Mahy Géhenne, Doctor of Pharmacy; with response by Dr. Rafael Blesa González, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Salud periodontal y salud general: la alianza necesaria
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Núria Vallcorba Plana, Doctor of Dentistry; with response by Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea, Doctor of Law and Doctor of Nautical Engineering

Gobierno y administración en la empresa familiar
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Manuel Calavia Molinero, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor of Law

Darwin, Wallace y la biología del desarrollo evolutiva
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Daniel Turbón Borrega, Doctor of Philosophy and Literature; with response by Dr. Felio Vilarrubias Guillamet, Doctor of Law

Tabaco o salud: los niños no eligen
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Professor of Health Education at the University of Las Palmas; with response by Dr. Jordi Martí Pidelaserra

El asesoramiento financiero, la figura del Asesor Financiero y de las E.A.F.I.s
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Montserrat Casanovas Ramon, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration Sciences; with response by Dr. José Maria de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Law

Dieta Mediterránea: una visión global
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Lluís Serra Majem, Doctor of Medicine and Srugery; with response by Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La nutrición comunitaria en el siglo XXI
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Javier Aranceta Bartrina, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by  Dr. Maria dels Àngels Calvo Torras, Doctor of Veterinary and Doctor of Pharmacy 

La conquista del fondo del ojo
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Borja Corcóstegui Guraya, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch.

Barcelona, Galería Urbana
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Juan Trias de Bes, Doctor of Architecture; with response by Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea.

La influencia del derecho español en México

Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jesús Gerardo Sotomayor Garza, Doctor of Criminal Law; with response by Dr. Jordi Martí Pidelaserra, Doctor of Economics and Business Science



Reflexió entorn el barroc
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Salvador de Brocà Tella, Doctor of Pilosophy and Literature; with response by Dr. José Gil Ribas, Doctor of Theology

Filosofia i Teologia a Incerta Glòria. Joan Sales repensa mig segle de cultura catalana
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Ignasi Saranyana Closa, Doctor of Theology and Doctor of Philosophy; with response by Dr. Francesc Torralba Roselló, Doctor of Theology and Philosophy

Empresa familiar: ¿Sucesión? ¿Convivencia generacional?
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Miguel Ánguel Gallo Laguna de Rins, Doctor of Engineering; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Reflexiones y alternativas en torno a un modelo fiscal agotado
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Antonio Durán-Sindreu Buxadé, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor of Law

La figura del emprendedor y el concepto de emprendimiento
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Antonio Pulido Gutiérrez, Doctor of Economics; with response by Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor of Human, Social and Legal Sciences and Doctor of Advanced Business Administration

La cirugía digestiva del Siglo XXI
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Juan Carlos García-Valdecasas Salgado, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, with response by Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trias de Bes, Doctor of Law

Derecho Civil, persona y democracia
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Alfonso Hernández Moreno, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor of Law

Entendiendo a Beethoven
Acceptance speech by tenured academician  Dr. Francisco Javier Tapia García, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Fútbol y lesiones de los meniscos
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Ramón Cugat Bertomeu, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

¿Hacia un nuevo derecho de gentes?
Acceptance speech by tenured academician  Dr. Santiago J. Castellà Surribas, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor of Law

L’empresa més enllà de l’obra estètica
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jordi Martí Pidelaserra, Doctor of Economics and Business Science; with response by Dr. José Luis Salido Banús, Doctor of Law

El reto de mejorar la calidad de la auditoría
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Frederic Borràs Pàmies, Doctor of Economics and Business Science; with response by Dr. Emili Gironella Masgrau, Doctor en Economics and Business Science

Geografia, diffusione e organizzazione cristiana nei primi secoli del cristianesimo
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Angelo Di Berardino, Doctor of History and Philosophy; with response by Dr. Armand Puig i Tàrrech, Doctor of Holy Scripture

El implante dental y la Osteointegración
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Carlos Aparicio Magallón, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Pedro Clarós, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La empresa social compitiendo en el mercado: principios de buen gobierno
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Antonio Segarra Torres, Doctor of Business Administration; with response by Dr. Miguel Ángel Gallo Laguna Rins, Doctor of Industrial Engineering

Incertidumbre y neurociencias: pilares en la adopción de decisiones
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Jorge Bachs Ferrer, Doctor of Economics and Business Science; with response by Dr. Jaime Gil Aluja, Doctor of Politics and Economics

¿Puede el Marketing salvar al mundo? Expectativas para la era de la escasez
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Luis Nueno Iniesta, Doctor of Business Administration; with response by Dr. Miguel Ángel Gallo Laguna de Rins, Doctor of Industrial Engineering

Calidad de vida de los pacientes afectos de cáncer de próstata según el tratamiento realizado
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Ferran Guedea Edo, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Albert Biete Sola, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery



Hacia una Teoría General de la Seguridad Marítima
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea, Doctor of Law and Doctor of Nautical Engineering; with response by Dr. Juan Francisco Corona Ramón, Doctor of Economics and Business Science 

Pensamiento Hipocrático, Biominimalismo y Nuevas Tecnologías. La Innovación en Nuevas Formas de Tratamiento Ortodóncico y Optimización del Icono Facial
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Luis Carrière Lluch, Doctor of Dentistry; with response by Dr. Antoni Terceño Gómez, Doctor of Economics and Business Science

Determinantes de las Escuelas de Pensamiento Estratégico de Oriente y Occidente y su contribución para el Management en las Organizaciones del Siglo XXI
Acceptance speech by the corresponding academician for Chile Dr. Francisco Javier Garrido Morales, Doctor of Economics and Business Science; with response by Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor of Human, Social and Legal Science and Doctor of advanced business administration 

Nuevos tiempos, nuevos vientos: La identidad mexicana, cultura y ética en los tiempos de la globalización
Acceptance speech by the corresponding academician for Mexico Dr. Manuel Medina Elizondo, Doctor of Management Scicnce; with response by Dr. José Daniel Barquero CabreroDoctor of Human, Social and Legal Science and Doctor of advanced business administration 

Implante coclear. El oído biónico
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Joaquín Barraquer Moner, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La innovación y el tamaño de la empresa
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Carlos Mallo Rodríguez, Doctor of Economic Science; with response by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Economic Science and Doctor of Law

Geologia i clima: una aproximació a la reconstrucció dels climes antics des del registre geològic
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Ramon Salas Roig, Doctor in Geology; with response by Dr. Enrique Tierno Pérez-Relaño, Doctor of Nuclear Physics

Belleza, imagen corporal y cirugía estética
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Maria Serra Renom, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Economic Science and Doctor of Law

El poder y su semiología
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Michael Metzeltin, Doctor of Romance Phylology; with responsebyf Dr. Joaquim Gironella Coll, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Atentados a la privacidad de las personas
Acceptance speech by honorary academician Dr. Enrique Lecumberri Martí, Doctor of Law; wih response by Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor of Law

Panacea encadenada: La farmacología alemana bajo el yugo de la esvástica
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Francisco López Muñoz, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery and Doctor of Spanish Language and Literature; with response by Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor of Law

Las políticas monetarias no convencionales: “El Quantitative Easing”
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Juan Pedro Aznar Alarcón, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration; with response by Dr. José Luis Salido Banús, Doctor of Law

La utopía garantista del Derecho Penal en la nueva “Edad Media”
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Fermín Morales Prats, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Economic Science and Doctor of Law



Al hilo de la razón. Un ensayo sobre los foros de debate
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Enrique Tierno Pérez-Relaño, Doctor of Physics Nuclear; with response by Dr. Ana María Gil Lafuente, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences

La participació del Sistema Nerviós en la producció de la sang i en el procés cancerós
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Pedro Gascón Vilaplana, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Montserrat Guillén Estany, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences

Información financiera: luces y sombras
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Emilio Gironella Masgrau, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. José Luis Salido Banús, Doctor of Law

Crisis, déficit y endeudamiento
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Maria Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor of Economics and Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Juan Francisco Corona Ramón, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences 

Les empreses d’alt creixement: factors que expliquen el seu èxit i la seva sostenibilitat a llarg termini
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Oriol Amat Salas, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Santiago Dexeus y Trias de Bes, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Estructuras metálicas
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Joan Olivé Zaforteza, Doctor of Industrial Engineering; with response by Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trias de Bes, Doctor of Law

La acción exterior de las comunidades autónomas
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José María Bové Montero, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration; with response by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana SaludasDoctor of Economic Science and Doctor of Law

El eco de la música de las esferas. Las matemáticas de las consonancias
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Vicente Liern Carrión, Doctor of Mathematical Science (Theoretical Physics); with response by  Dr. Pilar Bayer Isant, Doctor of Mathematics

La media ponderada ordenada probabilística: Teoría y aplicaciones
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Maria Merigó Lindahl, Doctor of Economics and Business Science; with response by Dr. Josep Pla Carrera, Doctor of Mathematical Science

La abogacía de la empresa y de los negocios en el siglo de la calidad
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. María José Esteban Ferrer, Doctor of Economics and Business; with response by Dr. Carlos Dante Heredia García, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La ciutat, els ciutadans i els tributs
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Joan-Francesc Pont Clemente, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Enrique Tierno Pérez-Relaño, Doctor of Nuclear Physics

Organización de la producción: una perspectiva histórica
Acceptance speech by tenured academicians Dr. Joaquín Bautista Valhondo, Doctor of Industrial Engineering, and Dr. Francisco Javier Llovera Sáez, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. José Luis Salido Banús, Doctor of Law

Correlación entre las estrategias de expansión de las cadenas hoteleras Internacionales y sus rentabilidades
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Onofre Martorell Cunill, Doctor of Economic; with response by Dr. Josep Gil i Ribas, Doctor of Theology

La tecnología, detonante de un nuevo panorama en la educación superior
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Lluís Vicent Safont, Doctor of Information Science; with response by Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor of Human, Social and Legal Science and Doctor of Advanced Business Management

Globalización y crisis de valores
Acceptance speech by honorary academician Dr. Lorenzo Gascón, Doctor of Economics; with response by Dr. Ana María Gil Lafuente, Doctor of Economics and Business Sciences

Paradojas médicas
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Francisco Kerdel-Vegas, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. José Llort Brull, Doctor of Economics and Doctor of Law

La formación del directivo. Evolución del entorno económico y la comunicación empresarial
Acceptance speech by tenured academicians Dr. Juan Alfonso Cebrián Díaz, Doctor of Economics and Business Science, and Dr. Juan Manuel Soriano Llobera, Doctor of Business Administration and Management and Doctor of Legal Science; with response by Dr. Fernando Casado Juan, Doctor of Economics and Business Science

La filosofia com a cura de l’ànima i cura del món
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Francesc Torralba Roselló, Doctor of Phylosophy and Doctor of Theology; with response by Dr. David Jou Mirabent, Doctor of Physics



La quantificació del risc: avantatges i limitacions de les assegurances
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Montserrat Guillén y Estany, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. M. Teresa Anguera Argilaga, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters (Psychology)

El procés de la visió: de la llum a la consciència
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Rafael Ignacio Barraquer Compte, Doctor of Medicines and Surgery; with response by Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor of Human, Social and Legal Sciences

Formación e investigación: creación de empleo estable
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Mario Barquero Cabrero, Doctor of Economics; with response by Dr. José Luis Salido Banús, Doctor of Law

El sagrament de l’Eucaristia: de l’Últim Sopar a la litúrgia cristiana antiga
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Armand Puig Tàrrech, Doctor of Holy Scripture; with response by Dr. Jaume Vallcorba Plana, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters



Una mejor universidad para una economía más responsable
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Senén Barro Ameneiro, Doctor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence; with response by Dr. Jaume Gil Aluja, Doctor of Economics and Business Sciences

La Transformació del món després de la crisi. Una anàlisis polièdrica i transversal
Inaugural Session of the 2012-2013 academic year, with speeches by: Dr. José Juan Pintó Ruiz, Doctor of Law:”El Derecho como amortiguador de la inequidad en los cambios y en la Economía como impulso rehumanizador”, Dr. Rosmarie Cammany Dorr, Doctor of Health Sociology:”Salut: mitjà o finalitat”, Dr. Ánguel Aguirre Baztán, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters:”Globalización Economico-Cultural y Repliegue Identitario”, Dr. Jaume Gil Aluja, Doctor of Economics:”La ciencia ante el desafío de un futuro progreso social sostenible” and Dr. Eugenio Oñate Ibañez de Navarra, Doctor of Civil Engineering:”El reto de la transferencia de los resultados de la investigación a la industria”.



El derecho del Trabajo encrucijada entre los derechos de los trabajadores y el derecho a la libre empresa y la responsabilidad social corporativa
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Luis Salido Banús, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Manuel Subirana Canterella, Doctor of Medicine

Una esperanza para la recuperación económica
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jaime Gil Lafuente, Doctor of Economics; with response Dr. José Gil Ribas, Doctor en Theology

Certeses i incerteses en el diagnòstic del càncer cutani: de la biologia molecular al diagnòstic no invasiu
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Malvehy, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. José Llort, Doctor of Economics and Doctor of Law 



El legado de Jean Monnet
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Teresa Freixas Sanjuán, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Fernando Casado Juan, Doctor of Economic Science

La economía china: Un reto para Europa
Acceptance speech in tenured academician Dr. Jose Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor of Human, Social and Legal Sciences; with response by Dr. Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau, Doctor of Economics and Business Science

Les radiacions ionitzants i la vida
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Albert Biete Solà, Doctor of Medicine; with response by Dr. David Jou Mirabent, Doctor of Physical Science

Gestió del control intern de riscos en l’empresa postmoderna: àmbits econòmic i jurídic
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Ramon Poch Torres, Doctor of Law and Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Anna Maria Gil Lafuente, Doctor of Economics and Business Sciences 

Tópicos típicos y expectativas mundanas de la enfermedad del Alzheimer
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Rafael Blesa Doctor of Medicine and Surgery ; with response by Dr. José Llort Brull, Doctor of Economics and Doctor of Law

Los Estados Unidos y la hegemonía mundial: ¿Declive o reinvención?
Acceptance speech by tenured acadademician Dr. Mario Barquero Cabrero, Doctor en Economía y Empresa; with response by Dr. Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau, Doctor of Economics and Business Science



Modelo de predicción de “Enfermedades” de las Empresas a través de relaciones Fuzzy
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Antoni Terceño Gómez, Doctor of Economical Science; with response by Dr. Paulino Castells Cuixart, Doctor of Medicine

Células Madre y Medicina Regenerativa
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte, Doctor of Pharmacy; with response by Dr. Joaquín Gironella Coll, Doctor of Medicine

Financiación del déficit externo y ajustes macroeconómicos durante la crisis financiera El caso de Rumania
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Mugur Isarescu, Doctor of Economical Science; with response by Dr. Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau, Doctor of Economics and Business Science



Alzheimer: Una aproximació als diferents aspectes de la malaltia
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Nuria Durany Pich, Doctor of Biology; with response by Dr. Eugenio Oñate , Doctor of Civil Engineering

Guillem de Guimerà, Frare de l’hospital, President de la Generalitat i gran Prior de Catalunya
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Maria Sans Travé, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters; with response by Dr. José E. Ruiz Domingo, Doctor of Mediaeval Phylosophy

La empresa y el empresario en la historia del pensamiento económico. Hacia un nuevo paradigma en los mercados globalizados del siglo XXI
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Guillermo Sánchez Vilariño, Doctor of Economical and Financial Science; with response by Dr. Jaume Gil Aluja , Doctor of Economical and Financial Sciences

Incertesa i bioenginyeria 
Academic Session with corresponding academicians Dr. Joaquim Gironella Coll, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, with speeches by Dr. Joan Anton Planell Estany, Doctor of Physical Science; Dr. Anna M. Gil Lafuente, Doctor of Economical and Financial Sciences; and Dr. Humberto Villavicencio Mavrich , Doctor of ;Medicine and Surgery

Els Ponts: Història i repte a l´enginyeria estructural
Academic Session with tenured academicians Dr. Xavier Oliver Olivella, Doctor of Civil Engineering, and Dr. Eugenio Oñate Ibánez de Navarra, Doctor of Civil Engineering, and speeches by Dr. Ángel C. Aparicio Bengoechea, Lecturer and Professor of Civil Engineering at the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, and Dr. Ekkehard Ramm, Lecturer at the Baustatik Institute 

Marketing político y sus resultados
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Francisco Javier Maqueda Lafuente, Doctor of Economics and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Anna M. Gil Lafuente, Doctor of Economics and Financial Sciences



El voluntariat: Un model de mecenatge pel segle XXI.
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Rosamarie Cammany Dorr , Doctor of Health Sociology; with response by Dr. Anna Maria Carmona Cornet, Doctor of Pharmacy

El factor religioso en el proceso de adhesión de Turquía a la Unión Europea
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Maria Ferré Martín, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Carlos Dante Heredia García, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery 

Coneixement i ètica: reflexions sobre filosofia i progrés de la propedèutica mèdica.
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Mario Petit Guinovart, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. José Gil Ribas, Doctor of Theology 

Problemática de la familia ante el mundo actual
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Gustavo José Noboa Bejarano, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Paulino Castells Cuixart, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery



Historia de la anestesia quirúrgica y aportación española más relevante
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Vicente A. Gancedo Rodríguez, Doctor of Medicina and Suregery; with response by Dr. Josep Llort Brull, Doctor of Economical and Business Sciences

El amor y el desamor en las parejas de hoy
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Paulino Castells Cuixart, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Joan Trayter García, Doctor of Economical and Business Sciences

El fenomen mundial de la deslocalització com a instrument de reestructuració empresarial
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Alfredo Rocafort Nicolás, Doctor of Economics and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Isidro Fainé Casas, Doctor of Economics and Business Sciences

Biomaterials per a dispositius implantables en l’organisme. Punt de trobada en la Historia de la Medicina i Cirurgia i de la Tecnologia dels Materials
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Anton Planell Estany, Doctor of Physical Science; with response by Dr. Pedro Costa Batllori, Doctor of Veterinary

La ciencia a l’enginyeria: El llegat de l’école poytechnique
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Xavier Oliver Olivella, Doctor of Civil Engineering; with response by Dr. Josep Pla Carrera, Doctor of Mathematics



Geotecnia: una ciencia para el comportamiento del terrreno

Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Antonio Gens Solé, Doctor of Civil Engineering; with response by Dr. Eugenio Oñate Ibañéz de Navarra, Doctor of Civil Engineering

Sessión académica a Perpinyà,
Speakers: Dr. Anna Maria Gil Lafuente, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences and Dr. Jaume Gil-ALuja, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences:“Nouvelles perspecives de la recherche scientifique en economie et gestion”; Dr. Rafael Orozco Delcós, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery:“l’impacte mèdic i social de les cèl·lules mare”; Dr. Anna Maria Carmona Cornet, Doctor of Pharmacy: “Nouvelles strategies oncologiques”; Dr. Pere Costa Batllori, Doctor of Veterinary:”les résistences bacteriénnes a les antibiotiques”

Los procesos de concentración empresarial en un mercado globalizado y la consideración del individuo
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Fernando Casado Juan, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Josep Ma. Costa Torres, Doctor of Chemical Science

“Son nou de flors els rams li renc”
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jaume Vallcorba Plana, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters (Hispanic Phylology Section); with response by Dr. José Enrique Ruíz-Domènec, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters



La transformación del negocio jurídico como consecuencia de las nuevas tecnologías de la información
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Rafael Mateu de Ros, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Jaime Manuel de Castro Fernández, Doctor of Law

La gestión estratégica del inmovilizado
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Anna Maria Gil Lafuente, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Josep J. Pintó Ruiz, Doctor of Law

Los costes biológicos, sociales y económicos del envejecimiento cerebral
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Félix F. Cruz-Sánchez, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Josep Pla Carrera, Doctor of Mathematics

El conocimiento glaciar de Sierra Nevada. De la descripción ilustrada del siglo XVIII a la explicación científica actual 
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Antonio Gómez Ortiz, Doctor of Geography; with response by Dr. Maria Teresa Anguera Argilaga, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters (Psychology)

Los beneficios de la consolidación fiscal: una comparativa internacional
Acceptance speech by honorary academician Dr. Rodrigo de Rato Figaredo, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund; with response by Dr. Jaime Manuel de Castro Fernández, Doctor of Law

Evolución històrica del trabajo de la mujer hasta nuestros días
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Eduardo Alemany Zaragoza, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Rafael Orozco Delclós, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery



La veritat matemàtica
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Pla Carrera, Doctor of Mathematics; with response by Dr. Josep Ma. Costa Torres, Doctor of Chemical Science

L’humanisme essencial de l’arquitectura moderna
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Helio Piñón Pallarés, Doctor of Architecture; with response by Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trías de Bes, Doctor of Law

De l’economia política a l’economia constitucional
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Joan Francesc Corona Ramon, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. Xavier Iglesias Guiu, Doctor of Medicine

Temperància i empatia, factors de pau
Speech delivered as part of a conference cycle on the Culture of Peace by the Honourable Jordi Pujol, President of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Reflexions sobre resistència bacteriana als antibiòtics
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Ma. de los Angeles Calvo Torras, Doctor of Pharmacy and Veterinary; with response by Dr. Pere Costa Batllori, Doctor of Veterinary



Un univers turbulent
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jordi Isern Vilaboy, Doctor of Physics; with response by Dr. Maria Teresa Anguera Argilaga, Doctor of Psichology

L’envelliment del cervell humà
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jordi Cervós Navarro, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Josep Ma. Pou d’Avilés, Doctor of Law

Les Telecomunicacions en la societat de la informació
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Ángel Cardama Aznar, Doctor of Telecommunications Engineering; with response by Dr. Eugenio Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Doctor of Civil Engineering



Mobilitat urbana, medi ambient i automòbil. Un desafiament tecnològic permanent
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Pere de Estaban Altirriba, Doctor of Industrial Engineering; with response by Dr. Carlos Dante Heredia García, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

El rei, el burgès i el cronista: una història barcelonina del segle XIII
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec, Doctor of History; with response by Dr. Felip Albert Cid Rafael, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La informació, un concepte clau per a la ciència contemporània
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Salvador Alsius Clavera, Doctor of Information Science; with response by Dr. Eugenio Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Doctor of Civil Engineering

La drogaaddicció com a procés psicoiològic
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Miquel Sánchez-Turet, Doctor of Biological Science; with response by Dr. Pedro de Esteban Altirriba, Doctor of Industril Engineering 



Génesis de una teoría de la incertidumbre
Ceremony at which the Grand Cross of the Order of Alphonse X (“the Wise”) was awarded Dr. Jaume Gil – Aluja, Doctor of Economic and Financial Sciences

Antonio de Capmany: el primer historiador moderno del Derecho Mercantil
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trías de Bes, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Santiago Dexeus Trías de Bes, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La Medicina de la calidad de vida
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Luís Rojas Marcos, Doctor of Psichology; with response by Dr. Ángel Aguirre Baztán, Doctor en Psichology

Pour une science touristique: la tourismologie
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Jean-Michael Hoerner, Doctor of Letters and President of Perpinyà University; with response by Dr. Jaume Gil-Aluja, Doctor of Economical Science

Virus, virus entèrics, virus de l’hepatitis
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Albert Bosch Navarro, Doctor of Biological Science; with response by Dr. Pere Costa Batllori, Doctor of Veterinary 



Nova recerca en Ciències de la Salut a Catalunya
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Anna Maria Carmona Cornet, Doctor of Pharmacy; with response by Dr. Josep Ma. Costa Torres, Doctor of Chemical Science

Dilemes dinàmics en l’ambit social
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Albert Bianya Mulet, Doctor of Economical Science; with response by Dr. Josep Ma. Costa Torres, Doctor of Chemical Science

Mercats i Competencies: efectes de liberització i la desregularització sobre l’eficàcia econòmica
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Amadeu Petitbó Juan, Doctor of Economical Science; with response by Dr. Jaime M. de Castro Fernández, Doctor of Law

Epidemias de asma en Barcelona por inhalación de polvo de soja
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Ma. José Rodrigo Anoro, Doctor of Medicine; with response by Dr. Josep Llort Brull, Doctor of Economical Science

Hacia una evaluación de la actividad cotidiana y su contexto: ¿ Presente o futuro para la metodología?
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Maria Teresa Anguera Argilaga, Doctor of Philosophy and Letters (Psychology); with response by Dr. Josep A. Plana Castellví, Doctor of Geography and History



Rosalia de Castro y Jacinto Verdaguer, visión comparada
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jaime M. de Castro Fernàndez, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Pau Umbert Millet, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La nueva estrategia internacional para el desarrollo
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Santiago Ripol Carulla, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Joaquim Gironella Coll, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

El aura de los números
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Eugenio Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Doctor of Civil Engineering; with response by Dr. David Jou Mirabent, Doctor of Chemical Science



L’ordre dels sistemes desordentats
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Ma. Costa Torres, Doctor of Chemical Science; with response by Dr. Joan Bassegoda Nonell, Doctor of Architecture

Un clam per l’ocupació
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Isidre Fainé Casas, Doctor of Economical Science; with response by Dr. Joan Bassegoda Nonell, Doctor of Architecture



Els sòlidds platònics
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Pilar Bayer Isant, Doctor of Mathematics; with response by Dr. Ricard Garcia Vallès, Doctor of Law

La normalització en Bioquímica Clínica
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Xavier Fuentes Arderiu, Doctor of Pharmacy; with response by Dr. Tomàs Vidal Bendito, Doctor of Geography

L’entropia en dos finals de segle
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. David Jou Mirabent, Doctor of Physical Science; with response by Dr. Pere Miró Plans, Doctor Physics Science

Vida i música
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Carles Ballús Pascual, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Josep Ma. Espader Medina, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

La diferencia entre pueblos
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Sebastià Trías Mercant, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters; with response by Dr. Ángel Aguirre Baztán, Doctor of Phyolosophy and Letters

L’aventura del pensament teològic
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Josep Gil Ribes, Doctor of Theology; with response by Dr. David Jou Mirabent, Doctor of Physical Science

El derecho del siglo XXI
Acceptance speech by honorary academician Dr. Rafael Caldera, President of Venezuela; with response by Dr. Ángel Aguirre Baztán, Doctor of Phyolosophy and Letters



L’art d’ensenyar i d’aprendre
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Pablo Umbert Millet, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Agustín Luna Serrano, Doctor of Law

Sessió necrològica
In memory of Dr. Lluís Dolcet Boxeres, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery and Emeritus Dean of the Royal Academy of Doctors, who died on 21st January 1994. Personal tributes were delivered by tenured academicians Dr. Ricard Garcia Vallès, Dr. Josep Ma. Simón Tor and Dr. Albert Casellas Condom

La Unió Europea com a creació del geni polític d’Europa
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Jordi Garcia-Petit Pàmies, Doctor of Law; with response by Dr. Josep Llort Brull, Doctor of Economical Science

La explosión innovadora de los mercados financieros
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Emilio Soldevila García, Doctor of Economics and Business Sciences; with response by Dr. José Méndez Pérez, Doctor of Law

La Cultura com a part integrant de l’Optimisme
Acceptance speech by honorary academician Dr. Joan Antoni Samaranch Torelló, Marquis of Samaranch; with response by Dr. Jaume Gil Aluja, Doctor of Economical Sciences

Medicina i Tecnologia en el context històric
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Felip Albert Cid Rafael, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Ángel Aguirre Baztán, Doctor of Philosophy and Letters



Realitat i futur del tractament de la hipertròfia benigna de pròstata
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Joaquim Gironella Coll, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; with response by Dr. Albert Casellas Condom , Doctor of Medicine and Surgery and President of Col·legi de Metges de Girona

La seguridad jurídica en nuestro tiempo.¿Mito o Realidad?
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. José Méndez Pérez, Doctor of Law; wih response by Dr. Ángel Aguirre Baztán, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters

La transició demogràfica a Catalunya i a Balears
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Tomás Vidal Bendito, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters; with response by Dr. Josep Ferrer Bernard, Doctor of Psichology



La identidad étnica
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Ángel Aguirre Baztán, Doctor of Phylosophy and Letters; with response by Dr. Josep Ma. Pou de Avilés, Doctor of Law

Els laboratoris d’assaig i el mercat interior. Importància i nova concepció
Acceptance speech by tenured academician Dr. Pere Miró Planes, Doctor of Chemical Science; with response by Dr. Josep Ma. Simón Tor, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Contribución al estudio de Bateriemias
Acceptance speech by corresponding academician Dr. Miquel Marí Tur, Doctor of Pharmacy; with response by Dr. Manuel Subirana Cantarell, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery



Los tejidos tradicionales en las poblaciones pirenaicas
Acceptance speech of tenured academician Dr. Eduardo de Aysa Satué , Doctor of Economical Science; with response by Dr. Josep A. Plana Castellví, Doctor of Geography and History

La tradición jurídica catalana
Master class by tenured academician Dr. José Juan Pintó Ruiz, Doctor of Law, during the formal inauguration of the 1992-1993 academic year, presided by Their Majesties King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía