
Jaume Antich joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

Jaume Antich joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

18 September, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Jaume Antich Soler ingresa como Académico Numerario de la RAED, con el discurso "La Responsabilidad Penal de las Personas Jurídicas ante la Corte Penal Internacional. Una nueva oportunidad para retomar el desafío"

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Albert Estrada-Rius joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

Albert Estrada-Rius joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

25 September, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Albert Estrada-Rius enters as a Numerary Academician of the RAED with the speech "La medalla de premio en la publicidad. Grandes exposiciones, marcas y propaganda en cataluña (1888-1929)"

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Fernando-José Palomar joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

Fernando-José Palomar joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

24 October, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Fernando-José Palomar, Doctor of Optometry, joins as a Numerary Academic of the RAED, with the speech “Inducción a la neuroplasticidad en la rehabilitación de las hemianopsias homónimas y en las pérdidas sectoriales de campo”

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Non-pharmacological treatments for chronic pain

Non-pharmacological treatments for chronic pain

12 September, 2024 at 17:00 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

International symposium with the participation of prominent expert speakers in their field. Insomnia, hypnosis, nutrition, psychoanalysis... and more, with pain treatment as the central axis

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History of activities

Enrique Lacalle enters as an Honorary Member of the RAED

Enrique Lacalle enters as an Honorary Member of the RAED

Presidente del Círculo Ecuestre de Barcelona, ingresa como Académico de Honor de la RAED con el discurso “La sociedad civil: motor de Cataluña”

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RAED 2024 summer dinner

RAED 2024 summer dinner

18 July, 2024 at 21:00 to 00:00 on C. Arcs, 5, Barcelona

Celebration of the usual Summer Dinner organized by the Royal European Academy of Doctors and its Foundation for this year 2024

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Consolatio 2024

Consolatio 2024

11 July, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room B), Barcelona

In memory of our friends and colleagues, Excellencies. Messrs. Dr. Santiago Dexeus Trias de Bes, and Vicente Gancedo Rodríguez, both Doctors of Medicine and Surgery

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Presentation of the Project Vital Challenges for a New Era 2024

Presentation of the Project Vital Challenges for a New Era 2024

10 July, 2024 at 11:00 to 14:00 on European Parliament Office, Paseo de la Castellana, 46, Salamanca, Madrid

Presentation of the Vital Challenges 2024 Project, an initiative that addresses the most significant challenges of our society through knowledge and interdisciplinary research

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Bernat-Noël Tiffon Nonis joins as Corresponding Member of the RAED

Bernat-Noël Tiffon Nonis joins as Corresponding Member of the RAED

26 June, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Bernat-Noël Tiffon Nonis joins as Corresponding Member of the RAED, with the speech “La inteligencia artificial (IA) aplicada en la psicología criminal y forense: ¿reto, realidad o ficción?”

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Presentation of the book “Inteligencia directiva. Manual para liderar equipos”, by Dr. Jaume LLopis

Presentation of the book “Inteligencia directiva. Manual para liderar equipos”, by Dr. Jaume LLopis

18 June, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Dr Jaume Llopis i Casellas, Doctor in Economics and Business Management, presents his latest book "Inteligencia directiva. Manual para liderar equipos" (Managerial Intelligence. Manual for leading teams)

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Conference-workshop: “Aproximació a Una sola salut. Proposta educativa sobre malalties zoonótiques amb eines de gamificació”

Conference-workshop: “Aproximació a Una sola salut. Proposta educativa sobre malalties zoonótiques amb eines de gamificació”

13 June, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32, third floor, office 311, meeting room of the RAED, Barcelona

Educational proposal to introduce children to the "One Health" concept and raise awareness about the importance of preventing zoonotic diseases, taking rabies as an example in developing countries.

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Fernando P. Méndez joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

Fernando P. Méndez joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

03 June, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Dr. Fernando P. Méndez enters as a Numerary Academician of the RAED, with the speech “Vivienda: análisis de la situación y propuestas de actuación” (Housing: analysis of the situation and proposals for action). In person and streaming at the RAED headquarters

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Josep Maria Franquet joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

Josep Maria Franquet joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

30 May, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Josep Maria Franquet Bernis, Doctor in Architecture and in Economic and Business Sciences, joins as a Numerary Academician of the RAED, with the speech “La biorregión cantábrico-mediterránea “bioebro”. Un modelo gravitatorio de ordenación territorial funcional”

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Gabriel Masfurroll joins as Honorary Member and Extraordinary Ambassador of the RAED

Gabriel Masfurroll joins as Honorary Member and Extraordinary Ambassador of the RAED

27 May, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Gabriel Masfurroll, Economist, Businessman and Philanthropist, enters as Honorary Member and Extraordinary Ambassador of the RAED, with the speech “Destino de una vida audaz y poliédrica: de nadador de competición a empresario sanitario y abuelo feliz”

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Manuel Muñiz joins as a Numerary Member of the RAED

Manuel Muñiz joins as a Numerary Member of the RAED

22 May, 2024 at 18:00 to 19:30 on IE University, Passeig de la Castellana, 259E, Madrid

Dr. Manuel Muñiz Villa, Doctor in International Relations, enters as a Numerary Member of the RAED with the speech “La fractura del orden internacional”

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Conference: “El necesario abordaje de la patología psico-social en la consulta al adolescente (11-19 años)”

Conference: “El necesario abordaje de la patología psico-social en la consulta al adolescente (11-19 años)”

16 May, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32, third floor, office 311, meeting room of the RAED, Barcelona

The problems of anorexia, bulimia, school bullying and cyberbullying, drug addictions, school failure, depression, and suicide attempts are exposed. The objective is early diagnosis and primary prevention of these pathologies

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Carlos Puig de Travy joins as Honorary Member of the RAED

Carlos Puig de Travy joins as Honorary Member of the RAED

13 May, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona

Carlos Puig de Travy, Doctor in Economic Sciences, enters as an Honorary Academician of the RAED with the speech “Auditoría: un pasado emocionante y un futuro resiliente”

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Héctor Guerrero joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

Héctor Guerrero joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

09 May, 2024 at 18:00 to 19:30 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main, Room A), Barcelona, Barcelona

Héctor Guerrero, Doctor of Arts, will read the conference “La voz en la edad Media” (The voice in the Middle Ages), during his admission as a Numerary Member of the RAED

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VII National Congress RAED-Lanzarote 2024: Science and biodiversity: visions from Lanzarote

VII National Congress RAED-Lanzarote 2024: Science and biodiversity: visions from Lanzarote

April 25 to 28 in Arrecife (Lanzarote) - VII National Congress RAED-Lanzarote 2024: Science and biodiversity: visions from Lanzarote. Co-organized between the RAED and the Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Humanities of Lanzarote (ACIHL)

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Mrs. Carolina Mejía enters as an Honorary Member of the RAED

Mrs. Carolina Mejía enters as an Honorary Member of the RAED

15 April, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32, main (Room A), Barcelona

Ms. Carolina Mejía, Mayor of the National District of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, enters as an Honorary Academician of the RAED, with the speech “El liderazgo humanista como generador de cambios en la Administración Pública” (Humanistic leadership as a generator of changes in Public Administration)

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Dr. Alban Ahouré enters as an Honorary Member of the RAED

Dr. Alban Ahouré enters as an Honorary Member of the RAED

11 April, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main, Room B), Barcelona

Dr. Alban Ahouré, Doctor in Economics, enters the RAED with a speech on human capital and the quality of institutions for the transformation of sub-Saharan Africa

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Dr. Domènec Melé joins as a Numerary member of the RAED

Dr. Domènec Melé joins as a Numerary member of the RAED

09 April, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main, Room A), Barcelona

Doctor in Industrial Engineering and Theology, he will read the speech "Ethos de la dirección de empresas. El reto de un giro humanista centrado en la persona" (Ethos of business management. The challenge of a humanistic turn centered on the person)

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Dr. Javier López-Galiacho Perona joins as a Numerary Member of the RAED

Dr. Javier López-Galiacho Perona joins as a Numerary Member of the RAED

08 April, 2024 at 19:00 to 20:30 on CEU Sant Pau University, Aula Magna, at C. Juliana Romea, 23, Madrid

Dr. Javier López-Galiacho Perona, PhD in Financial Economics, enters as Academic Numerario of the RAED, with the speech "La sostenibilidad y la ética empresarial: de los cuentos en las cuentas"

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Jesús Lafuente Baraza joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

Jesús Lafuente Baraza joins as Numerary Member of the RAED

20 March, 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00 on Assembly room (A) of the Fomento del Trabajo building, Via Laietana, 32 principal, Barcelona

Dr. Jesús Lafuente Baraza, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, enters as a Numerary Member of the RAED, with the speech “La Medicina y la Cooperación, cerrando el círculo con la neurocirugía, un gran reto para los países en desarrollo”

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