Dr. Alban Ahouré enters as an Honorary Member of the RAED

Dr. Alban Ahouré
The Hon. Mr. Dr. Alban Ahouré, Doctor in Economics, enters as an Honorary Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, with the speech “Capital humain et qualité des institutions: catalyseurs de l’accélération de la transformation structurelle en Afrique Subsaharienne” (Human capital and quality of institutions: catalysts for the acceleration of structural transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa).
Reply by: Hon. Mr. Dr. Jaume Llopis Casellas, Doctor in Economics and Business Management
Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main, Room B), Barcelona, 08003
Thursday, 11 April 2024
18:30 h
Format: Face-to-face and streaming
Inscription: Please confirm attendance at the Secretariat: secretaria@raed.academy or tel. 93 667 40 54
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