Dr. Javier López-Galiacho Perona joins as a Numerary Member of the RAED

Dr. Javier López-Galiacho
The Hon. Mr. Dr. Javier López-Galiacho Perona, Doctor of Law, enters as a Numerary Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, with the speech “La sostenibilidad y la ética empresarial: ‘de los cuentos a las cuentas’” (Sustainability and business ethics: “from stories to accounts).
Resply: Hon. Mr. Dr. Aldo Olcese Santonja, Doctor in Financial Economics
CEU Sant Pau University, Aula Magna, at C. Juliana Romea, 23, Madrid
Monday, 08 April 2024
19:00 h
Format: Face-to-face and streaming
Inscription: Please confirm attendance at the Secretariat: secretaria@raed.academy or tel. 93 667 40 54
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