Bernat-Noël Tiffon Nonis joins as Corresponding Member of the RAED

Dr. Bernat-Noël Tiffon
The Hon. Mr. Dr. Bernat-Noël Tiffon Nonis, Doctor in Legal and Forensic Medicine, enters as Corresponding Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, with the speech “La inteligencia artificial (IA) aplicada en la psicología criminal y forense: ¿reto, realidad o ficción?” (Artificial intelligence (AI) applied in criminal and forensic psychology: challenge, reality or fiction?)
Reply: Hon. Mr. Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor in Social and Human Sciences; Legal and Economic Sciences; and Business Administration and Senior Management
Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room A), Barcelona, 08003
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
18:30 h
Format: Face-to-face and streaming
Inscription: Please confirm attendance at the Secretariat: secretaria@raed.academy or tel. 93 667 40 54
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