Supernumerary Member

Social Sciences: Dr. in Law

Date of admittance:  24/05/2011

Admission Speech:  El derecho del Trabajo encrucijada entre los derechos de los trabajadores y el derecho a la libre empresa y la responsabilidad social corporativa.

Reply:  Dr. Manuel Subirana Cantarell


* Doctor of Law from the University of Barcelona with the highest grade of “cum laude” (1999).

* Obtaining the Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona with the highest grade of outstanding. (1982)

* Law degree from the University of Barcelona in 1978.

* Sanitary Technical Diploma in 1970 and Diploma of Technical Health Sanitary Company by the National School of Occupational Medicine in December 1976.


BOOKS (Author)

“Legal-technical elements for the prevention of occupational risks”. (FTN / Foundation for the Prevention of Occupational Risks). Barcelona 2005.

“Collective bargaining in Spain: Framework agreements and interprofessional collective agreements. Its incidence in the bargaining system “. (Atelier) Barcelona 2001.

“Union Law”. (University of Barcelona) Barcelona 2001. Revised edition.

“Union Law”. (University of Barcelona) Barcelona 2000.


“Labor law”. Thomson Reuters Limited. Editotial Aranzadi S.A., Cizur Menor (Navarra) 2014. 8th Edition. García Ninet, J.I. (Director). Chapters 14, 20 and 25. ISBN 978-84-9059-474-2.

“Autonomy and Heteronomy in the social responsibility of the company” Participation in two chapters (Editorial Comares) Granada 2012.ISBN: 978-84-9045-007-9. DL: GR.3.330 / 2012.

“Some difficulties in the exercise of the right to freedom of enterprise in the fields of labor relations, social security, prevention of occupational risks and interpretation and application of the law”. Chapter V of the book “Legislative Environment of the Company. A critical vision “(Aranzadi / Thomson Reuters / Foment del Treball Nacional / Consell de Treball Economic i Social de Catalunya). Cizur Menor (Navarra) 2011. Pages 137 to 174. ISBN. 978-84-9903-821-6. DL: NA 1681/2011.

“Special labor relations and contracts with particularities” (Dir. Sempere Navarro and Cardenal Carro) Aranzadi 2011. ISBN 978-84-9903-735-6. (P.319 to 348).

“The Technical Guidelines of the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene in the Workplace”. (Comares) 2010.

“Labor Relations and Business” (Ediciones Gráficas Rey SL). Barcelona 2009.

“Legal Studies on Corporate Restructuring Operations” (Thomson-Aranzadi / Garrigues). Madrid 2008

“Labor Law” (Thomson-Aranzadi). Barcelona 2011 (6th edition).

“Studies on salary”. Work Tribute to Prof. Dr. D. Luís Enrique de la Villa. (CEF) Madrid 2005.

“Studies on the new Insolvency Law” (Garrigues-Marcial Pons) Madrid 2004.

“Approximació to the futur of the Relacions Laborals in S. XXI” (FTN-CTESC) Barcelona 2003.

“Immigration and culture” (CCCB) Barcelona 2003.

“Labor Relations: pending subjects” (Pearson-Aedipe-Garrigues) Madrid 2003.

“Manual of Trade Union Law” (Atelier) Barcelona 2007 (2nd edition)

“How to create jobs in Spain: globalization, European Monetary Union and Regionalization”. (FAES) Madrid 2000.

“The challenge of dependency as we grow older” (Herder). R. Moragas (Dir).Barcelona 1999.

“Responsibilities and obligations of Directors and Administrators” (Gestión 2000).Barcelona 1996

“Transformations of Labor Law: New forms of employment and social agreement”.Monographs (Institut d’Estudis Laborals). University of Barcelona. Barcelona 1991.

“Practical application of labor regulations”. (Gestión 2000) 2nd Extended Edition.Barcelona 1990

“Practical application of labor regulations”. (Management 2000) Barcelona 1989.

“The company in the Spanish Constitution”. (Aranzadi) Pamplona 1989.