Social Sciences: Doctor in Laws
Date of admittance: 01/02/2000
Medal: Nº90
Admission Speech: Antonio de Capmany: el primer historiador moderno de Derecho Mercantil
Speech in reply: Dr. Santiago Dexeus Trias de Bes
She has organized the seva vocació docent universitària, in which she is going to initiate in 1967, in l’exercici professional de l’advocacy, activitats ambdues in which in the current segueix faces in actiu.
He has held important offices as a head of the legal assessment of the Caixa d’Estalvis de Catalunya, presidencies of consell and conselleries de rellevants societats i, as a prominent member of the civil society, this is the membership of the government meetings of more than deu associacions ciutadanes. He has published quatre llibres legales of the seva specialitat i dotze diferents i variats temes, com història, hagiografia i bibliografia. Moreover, he is the author of more legal and historical centreballs, published in prestigious reviews of the special seves. He has directed several doctoral theses and has part of tribunals de tesi in diferents universitats espanyoles. He is professor of different Legal Masters imparted to the Faculty of Dret of the University of Barcelona and to the Col·legi d’Advocats d’aquesta ciutat.
Posseeix importants col·leccions de llibres of diferents legal and historical themes and the sev library compta avui amb més de setze thousand volums.