Numerary Member

Experimental Sciences: Doctor in Chemical sciences

Date of admittance: 16/07/2019

Admission  speech: El actual cambio climático: una visión holística de la crisis climática

Reply: Dr. José Maria Gay de Liébana Saludas


(Madrid, 1950), Doctor (1983) in Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona, ​​Chemical Engineer (1976) from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (France) and Master on Science in Chemical Engineering (1979) from the University of Sherbrooke (Canada) ).

Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Director of the department. of Projects of Engineering of the UPC: 2001-2005, director of the Institute of Applied Petrolchemistry: 1988-1991, and the Institute of Environmental Technology and Modeling: 1992-1997. He founded and directed the doctoral program in Environmental Engineering: 1986-2006 (first in Spain). He founded and co-directed the Master in Environmental Engineering: 2006-2011. Its R & D activities are focused on the modeling of air quality, climate change, waste and environmental impact studies. Founder and director of the department. of Earth Sciences of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center: 2005-2014.

Responsible for the legislative development on industrial waste in the Generalitat of Catalonia: 1981-1984, President of the Advisory Council for the Management of Industrial Waste: 1991-1995, advisor to the Catalan Waste Agency: 2004-2010; and since 2011 advisor to the Council of Air Quality Experts. Member of the Advisory Board of the Ministry of the Environment: 1994-1997. President of ADECAGUA: 1989-1991. Member of the Working Group on Hazardous Wastes of the ISWA. Consultant for the United Nations Environment Program and the World Bank. Member of the EU Steering Group on Air Quality. Member of the Scientific Steering Committee of PRACE HPC: 2010-2012 Expert of the Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

He has directed 33 doctoral theses. Author of 382 articles, 445 communications, 241 papers, 102 conferences, and co-editor and author of 24 books. Co-president of 5 international conferences. Consultant of more than 90 companies and administrations.

King Jaime I Environmental Prize 1997, and IPCC Diploma by NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2007.

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