History of activities 2018



Presentation of the Book La noria del siglo XXI (“The Ferris Wheel of the Twenty-first Century”)


Place: The Main Hall of the Foment del Treball buildingDate: 10.01.2018At 7.30 pm

Further information


Social impact of major items of infrastructure: the case of Barcelonas’s Sagrada Familia Church

The debates of the Royal European Academy of Doctors – Cycle of conferences organised by the Science and Technology SectionSpeakers:

  • Dr. Jaume Armengou, civil engineer, academic pro-vice-chancellor in charge of international relations at the UIC (International University of Catalonia); numerary member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.
  • Dr. Antoni Gens, civil enginer, professor at the UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, numerary member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.
  • Dr. Antonio Aguado, civil enginer, professor at the UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
  • Dr. Rosa Ribas, PhD in history, archaeology and Christian art; professor at the Antoni Gaudí Faculty of the Sant Pacià University Athenaeum.

Chaired by: Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea, PhD in Law and PhD in Naval Engineering, numery academician and Head of the Science and Technology Section of the RAED.Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building.Date: 18.01.2018Time:7.30 pm

Further information


Presentation of the book Como investigar (“How to Conduct Research”)


Closing by Dr. Oriol Amat.Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo buildingDate: 23.01.2018Time: 7 pm

Further information


Drug development in the twenty-first century: a cure for all diseases?

Conference – scientific sessions with 2004 Nobel Prize-winner Aaron Ciechanover29 and 30 January 2018

First session

La Caixa Foundation “La Ciencia vista a través de los ojos de los Premios Nobel”

Place: CosmoCaixa, C/ Isaac Newton, 26, 08022 BarcelonaDate: 29 January 2018Time: 7 p.m.

Second session

Cajasol Foundation “Talento Nobel”

Place: Auditorium of the Cajasol Foundation, Pl. de San Francisco, 1, 41004 SevillaDate: 30 January 2018Time: 7.30 p.m.

Find out more about these conferences



New probiotic and prebiotic foods

Academies of Catalonia Foods 2017-2018 academic year Round-table discussion


  • Dr. Javier Aranceta, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery.
  • Dra. Maria dels Àngels Calvo, Numerary member of the RAED and Chair of the Health Sciences Section.
  • Dr. Miquel Moretó, Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology at the University of Barcelona

Coordinator: Dr Maria dels Àngels Calvo, numerary member of the RAED and head of its Health Sciences Section.

Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building
Date: 1 February 2018
Time: 7.30 p.m.

Further information


Admission as Numerary Academician: Javier Gil Mur

Acceptance speech: Technological advances in the field of dentistry: the move towards smart dental implants
Answering speech: Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea

Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building
Date: 6 February 2018
Time: 7.30 p.m.


From basic science to antibiotics

Conference by Dr. Ada Yonath, Nobel Prize in chemistry 2009 – 6-7 February 2018

First appointment

“La Ciencia vista a través de los ojos de los Premios Nobel” by Obra Social La Caixa

Place: CosmoCaixa, C/ Isaac Newton, 26, 08022 BarcelonaDate: 6 February 2018Hora: 7 pm

Second appointment

“Talento Nobel” by Cajasol Foundation

Place: Auditorium of the Cajasol Foundation, Pl. de San Francisco, 1, 41004 Sevilla

Date: 7 February 2018
Time: 7.30 pm

Find out more about these conferences


Admission as Numerary Academician: Carlo Maria Gallucci

Acceptance speech: The role of marketing in the company and in the economy
Answering speech: Jaime Rodrido de Larrucea

Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building
Date: 13 February 2018
Time: 7 p.m.


Musical cycle: “Concerts with Soul”

Performed by:

  • Mara Jaubert, piano
  • Francisco Feria, double bass
  • Cristina Calvo, soprano

Place: Sala de los Atlantes assembly hall of the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona, Carrer dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 13 February 2018
Time: 9.15 p.m.

Further information


Ion Channels: functions and role in medicine and pharmacology

Conference by Dr. Erwin Neher, Nobel Prize in Medicine 1991 – 20 and 22 February 2018

First appointment

“La Ciencia vista a través de los ojos de Premios Nobel” by Obra Social La Caixa

Place: CosmoCaixa, C/ Isaac Newton, 26, 08022 BarcelonaDate: 20 February 2018Time: 7 pm

Second appointment

Cajasol Foundation “Talento Nobel”

Place: Auditorium of the Cajasol Foundation, Pl. de San Francisco, 1, 41004 Sevilla
Date: 22 February 2018
Time: 7.30 pm

Further information


Admission as Numerary Academician: Mar Alonso Almeida

Acceptance speech: The new materialism: light and shade

Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building
Date: 27 February 2018
Time: 7.30 p.m.

MARCH 2018


Academic event at the Vichy Catalan health resort

Saturday March 3, 9.00 – Multidisciplinary scientific conferences in Vichy Catalan


  • Inaugural conference: Joan B Renart CEO of Vichy Catalán – Un ejemplo de Historia, Innovación y Desarrollo.
  • Josep Roca, Sommelier Celler de Can Roca – Lo que nos cuenta el Vino
  • José Ramón Calvo, ULPGC – RAED: ¿Ecosistema Inviable = Resultados imposibles?
  • Maria Àngels Calvo, RAED: A la caza de “bichos” insospechados en lugares ni imaginados
  • Jordi Martí, UB – RAED: Historias de la Tecnología que cambian al mundo y a las empresas
  • José María Baldasano – UPB – RAED – ¿Qué implicaciones climáticas se derivan del deshielo del Ártico?
  • Cecilia Kindelán, RAED: El Clima cambia y no sabemos contarlo
  • Carlo Maria Gallucci, RAED – Universidad Ramon Llull – ESADE: ¿Con una buena estrategia de Marketing se puede vender un mal producto?
  • Jaume Llopis, IESE: ¿Cómo perder la reputación de una marca?
  • Pollyana Nethersole, ¿Qué hemos hecho para merecer un Brexit?
  • Rosmarie Cammany, La Filantropía: Una inversión de alto rendimiento
  • Juan Francisco Corona, DG Instituto de Empresa Familiar. ¿Las Peleas de familia destrozan las empresas familiares?
  • Teresa Freixes, UAB – RAED: ¿Sirve para algo tener una constitución?
  • Naohito Watanabe, cónsul general de Japón en Barcelona: “Musa modernista: La primera actriz japonesa que visitó Barcelona”
  • Manuel Murillo, RAED: ¿Quién sale ganando con las “Fake news”?
  • Alfredo Rocafort, RAED: Los contables cuentan lo que es fácil de contar, pero no lo que más cuenta.
  • Pedro Clarós, RAED: “El misterio de la metamorfosis de una voz del Siglo XX-XXI”
  • Xabier Añoveros, Historias de un navarro en Cataluña
  • Enrique Tomás, De Badalona al Mundo: Historias de un charcutero.

Saturday, March 3, 9:00 pm: Cocktail and closing dinner at Celler de Can Roca (Espai Mas Marroch)

Place: Vichy Catalán > Avenue Furest, 32, 17455 Caldes de Malavella, GironaDate: 2 to 4.03.2018

Further information


Debate: “Women who are changing the world”


  • Dr. Rosmarie Cammany. Academic of Number of the RAED and Dra. In Sociology.
  • Dr. Maria Àngels Calvo. Academic Number of the RAED and President of the Section of Health Sciences.
  • Ms. Myrtha Casanovas. Founder and president of the European Institute for the Management of Diversity.
  • Dr. Sonia Fernández-Vidal. Dr. in Optics and Quantum Information. Researcher and scientific disseminator.
  • Mrs. Marián Muro. General Director of Spain Grupo Juliá.

Chaired by: Dr Cecilia Kindelán Amorrich, Dr. in Communication and member of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research of the RAED.

Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building
Date: 8 March 2018
Time: 7 p.m.

Further information


Admittance as corresponding academician: Rodolfo Fernández-Cuellas

Acceptance speech: Las dinámicas mayoría-minoría y el derecho de separación del socio
Answering speech: Emili Gironella Masgrau

Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building
Date: 15.03.2018
Time: 7.30 pm



Homage to the Drs: Joaquín Barraquer, Joan Trayter, Josep Llort and Joan Olivé

Organized by Dr. M. Àngels Calvo and Dr. Rosmarie Cammany.

Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building
Date: 20.03.2018
Time: 7:30 p.m.


Hydration and Health in Europe in the 21st century

The Debates of the Royal European Academy of Doctors – Cycle of conferences organised by the Science and Technology Section
Presentation of the International Chair of Advanced Studies in Hydration of the University Institute of Biomedical and Health Research (IUIBS) of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

Chaired by: Dr. Maria dels Ángels Calvo Torras, President of the Section Health Sciences of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

Place: Main hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building (Room B)
Date: 22 March 2018
Time: 6.00 p.m.

Further information


Conference of Dr. Richard Roberts, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1993: Are transgenic crops safe?

Scientific Cycle “Science seen through the eyes of the Nobel Prizes” by Obra Social La CaixaPlace: CosmoCaixa – C/ Isaac Newton, 26, 08022 Barcelona
Date: 22.03.2018
Time: 7:00 p.m.

Further information

APRIL 2018


Debate by the Hon. Ms. Dilma Rousseff – President of the Federative Republic of Brazil

Within the framework of the “Cátedra de Estudios Jurídicos Iberoamericanos”, under the title: “Brazil, my experience as President”


Chaired by: Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Full Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and President of the Institute of Interdisciplinary
ResearchVenue: Auditorium of the Fomento del Trabajo building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 12.04.2018 at 7:30 p.m.

Further information


Cycle concerts with soul – Spanish music concert

Pianist: Nauzet Mederos

Place: Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona – Carrer dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 13.04.2018 at 7:30 p.m.


Conference “Are We Really Made of Cuarks?”

Scientific Cycle “Science seen through the eyes of the Nobel Prizes” – Obra Social La Caixa

Conference by Nobel Prize in Physics, Dr. Jerome Isaac Friedman “Are We Really Made of Cuarks?”Place: CosmoCaixa – Carrer d’Isaac Newton, 26, 08022 Barcelona
Date: 26.04.2018 at 7:30 p.m.

Further information

MAY 2018


Debate: Mystery in life and death – Tutankhamun

The debates of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

Speaker: Mr. Hamdi Zaki
Presentation: Dr. Josep Fèlix Bentz
Place: Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona – Carrer dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 26.04.2018 at 7:30 p.m.


Admission as Academician of Honor: Mr. Naohito Watanabe – Consul General of Japan in Barcelona

Admission speech: Rubén Darío, Japan and Japanism
Answering speech: Dr. José María Bové Montero

Place: Auditorium of the Fomento del Trabajo building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 15.05.2018 at 7:30 p.m.


Cycle concerts with soul – Magic Flute

  • Flutist: Linda Chatterton
  • Pianist: Nauzet Mederos

Place: Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona – Carrer dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 18.05.2018 at 7.30 p.m.


Admission as Corresponding Academician: Dr. María Asunción Peiré

Admission speech: Pediatric Pharmacology: past, present and future perspectives
Answering speech: Dr. Pedro Clarós

Place: Auditorium of the Fomento del Trabajo building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 22.05.2018 at 7:30 p.m.


Cycle concerts with soul – Magic Flute

  • Flutist: Linda Chatterton
  • Pianist: Nauzet Mederos

Place: Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona – Carrer dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 18.05.2018 at 7.30 p.m.

JUNE 2018


Act of admission as Numerary Academician: Dr. Juan Vicente Sola, Doctor in Law and Economics

Admission speech: “Pluralismo y Corporativismo. El freno a la Economía dinámica”
Speech in reply by His Excellency Dr. Edmund Phelps, Honorary Academician of the RAED and Nobel Prize in Economics 2006

Place: Assembly Hall of the Foment del Treball building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 01.06.2018 at 6 p.m.


Debate “Education in technology. Engineering education: a model under review in Spain”

Chaired by: Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea. President of the RAED Technology Section. Professor of Maritime Law (UPC).Speakers:

  • Dr. Eugenio Oñate. Professor ETS Caminos Channels and Ports. Director CIMNE and Vice President of the RAED.
  • Dr. Xaviel Gil. Professor of Materials Engineering. Rector UIC.
  • Dr. Lluís Vicent. Dr. in “ICT and ICT Management” and Telecommunications Engineer. Promoter and first rector of the Open University La Salle.

Place: Assembly Hall of the Foment del Treball building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 05.06.2018 at 7 p.m.

Confirm attendance


Lecture: The great accidental discoveries

Conference by Nobel Prize in Physics Sheldon Lee Glashow, in the cycle “Science seen through the eyes of Nobel Laureates” (Obra Social La Caixa)Dr. Glashow will talk about scientifically valuable findings that do not occur as a result of the so-called scientific method (hypothesis formulation, proof and subsequent acceptance or rejection), but accidentally or accidentally as an unexpected accidental discovery.

Place: CosmoCaixa – C / Isaac Newton, 26, 08022 Barcelona
Date: 07.06.2018 at 7:00 p.m.


Act of admission as Numerary Academician: Mireia de las Heras Maestro

Admission speech: El valor del Liderazgo
Speech in reply by Dr. José Antonio Segarra

Place: Assembly Hall of the Foment del Treball building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 12.06.2018 at 7:00 p.m.


Act of admission as Corresponding Academician: Dra. Marta Pulido Mestre, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Admission speech: “Reflexiones sobre la autoría de las publicaciones científicas”
Speech in reply by Dr. Pedro Clarós.

Place: Real Círculo Artístico de Barcelona. C/ dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 20.06.2018 at 7:30 p.m.


Debate “Women who change the world”

They will intervene

Discussion table:

  • Ana Bujaldón, President of the Spanish Federation of Women Directors, Executives, Professionals and Businesswomen
  • Arantza Martínez, hyperrealist painter
  • Karen Biain, Director of Branded Content of Unidad Editorial
  • Paloma Domingo, General Director of the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation
  • Rosa Rubio, Member of the Fiscal Council and Deputy Prosecutor of the Civil Specialty and of Legal Protection of Persons with Disabilities for the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands
  • Teresa Freixes, Professor of Constitutional Law

The debate will be moderated by Dr. Cecilia Kindelan, journalist, lawyer and member of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research of the RAED.

Place: Club Financiero Génova – Minerva Room. C/ Marqués de la Ensenada, 14, planta 14 – Madrid (MADRID)
Date/time: 21.06.2018 at 6:30 p.m.


Debate. Sustainability, Challenges of the Pension System


  • Myrta Casanovas, businesswoman and philanthropist
  • José María Gay de Liébana, teacher and academic of the RAED
  • José Luís Bonet, President of the Chamber of Spain and academic of the RAED
  • José Luís Salido, professor and academic of the RAED
  • Pau Miret, UAB professor

Chaired by:

  • Agustí Salas, journalist from the Economics Section of El Periódico.

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 28.06.2018 at 6 p.m.

JULY 2018


5th cycle concert “Conciertos Con Alma”. Recital of classical music


  • Ivan Martín, pianist
  • Sheila Gómez, violinist

Concert program

Place: Hall of the Atlantes of the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona, C/ dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date/time: 02.07.2018 at 7:30 p.m.


IV International Act – European Congress of Interdisciplinary Research”Science, Ethics and Humanism”

Celebration of the IV International Congrés of the Reial Acadèmia in different cities of the Mediterranean. From 11 to 18 July

  • Session of multidisciplinary papers by Academicians of the RAED
  • Visit to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences:
    • Welcome by the great Chancellor of the Academy, Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, and Cardinal Lluís Martínez Sistach
    • Academic dialogue: “The challenges of current science and humanism seen from the perspective of scientific academies”
  • Academic Dialogue “Science and life of a scientist”.
  • Visit to Valldemossa, Mallorca:
    • Press conference in Valldemossa.
    • Lecture by Ms. Rosa Capllong: “George Sand and Frederic Chopin, a winter in Mallorca”
    • Piano concert by Iván Martín. Interpretation of Chopin’s themes.
  • Act of entrance of the Nobel Prizes: Barry Clark Barish i Richard Royce Schrock .



Admission as a Full Member: Josep Maria Ustrell i Torrent

Admission Speech: Perspectiva Humanística de la Bioética en Estomatología/Odontología
Speech in reply by Dr Ferran Guedea Edo

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 13.09.2018 at 7 p.m.


Admission as Corresponding Member: Rafael Urrialde de Andrés

Admission Speech: Evolución de la Información Relacionada con la Alimentación y la Nutrición: Retos de Adaptación por el Consumidor
Speech in reply by Dr. Lluís Serra Majem

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 20.09.2018 at 7.30 p.m.


6th concert of the “Concerts With Soul” series

Interpreter: Edith Peña, pianist

Place: Hall of the Atlantes of the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona, C/ Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 21.09.2018 at 7.30 p.m.


Extraordinary concert

Interpreter: Facundo González Laborde, pianist

Place: Hall of the Atlantes of the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona, C/ Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 26.09.2018 at 7.30 p.m.



Admission as Corresponding Member: Jesús Lafuente Baraza

Admission Speech: Los retos de la neurocirugía en el siglo XXI
Speech in reply by Dr. Luis Carriere Lluch

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 04.10.2018 at 19:30 p.m.


Congress “Multidisciplinary research for a sustainable future”

Mexico – From October 9 to 15, 2018

The Royal European Academy of Doctors will return to Mexico between the next 9 and 15 October to participate in the Research Congress organized by the Community of Higher Education Institutions of La Laguna (Cieslag), and award their second prize to the Best Doctoral Thesis presented in the different centers of the Cieslag, complying with the agreement signed in 2015.The congress will be held together with the 9th Regional Research Meeting and the 8th Meeting of Young Researchers, in which RAED will also actively participate.Constituents of the representative delegation of the RAED:

Further information about the event


Admission as a Full Member: Pere-Joan Cardona Iglesias

Admission Speech: La unitat de tuberculosi i experimental. 20 anys d’història
Speech in reply by Dr. Emili Gironella

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 23.10.2018 at 19:30 p.m.


Admission as a Full Member: Mariàngela Vilallonga

Admission Speech: Noucentisme, avantguardisme i model de país: la centralitat de la cultura
Speech in reply by Dr Maria Àngels Calvo

Date: 30.10.2018 at 19:30 p.m.



Admission as a Full Member: Sonia Fernández Vidal, PhD in Physics

Admission Speech: Abrir las puertas de la Biblioteca de Alejandría
Speech in reply by Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 08.11.2018 at 19:00 p.m.


Discussion-colloquium “El Cardenal Francesc Vidal i Barraquer” (1868-1943). His life and his itinerary”


  • Dr. Francesc Vidal Barraquer, Doctor and Vascular Surgeon.
  • Dr. Josep Maria Soler Sabater, Professor of Contemporary History at the UAB.
  • Dr. Ramón Corts i Blay, Vice-Rector of the Ateneu Universitari Sant Pacià de Barcelona.
  • Dr. Armand Puig i Tàrrech, Rector of the Ateneu Universitari Sant Pacià. Numerary Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.

Chaired by Dr Pedro Clarós, Numerary Academician and vice president of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.Closing by Monsignor Jaume Pujol i Balcells, Archbishop of Tarragona.

Place: Aula Magna of the Conciliar Seminary of Barcelona. C/ Diputació, 231 – 08007 Barcelona
Date: 14.11.2018 at 7:30 pm


Concert “Le Glamor du Piano”, recital of French music

Performer: Ernest So, piano

Place: Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona – Carrer dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 15.11.2018 at 8:00 pm

Concert program


Piano listening “An evening with the music of Antônio Carlos Jobim”

Performer: Pilar Bayer IsantTalk to the attendees before to the concert, by Dr. Josep Pla Carrera, Supernumerary Academician of the RAED, entitled “Drops of Egyptian and Mesopotamian mathematics, through the texts”, based on the mathematical content of Egyptian papyri and Mesopotamian tablets.

Place: Room of the Atlantes of the Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona. C/ dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 29.11.2018 at 8 p.m.

Concert program



Presentation of the book ‘Cambó’

By Ignacio Buqueras i Bach, author.

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 13.12.2018 at 7.00 p.m.


Christmas dinner of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

Place: Círculo Ecuestre: C/Balmes, 169 Bis, 08006 Barcelona
Date/time: 19.12.2018 at 9:00 p.m.

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