Supernumerary Member

Human Sciences: Dr. in Theology

Date of admittance: 26/11/2013

Admission Speech: El Sagrament de l’Eucaristia: de Últim Sopar a la litúrgia cristiana antiga

Reply: Dr. Jaume Vallcorba i Plana

Armand Puig i Tàrrech (La Selva del Camp, 1953) is a priest at the archdiocese of Tarragona. Degree in Theology (STL) from the Barcelona Faculty of Theology (1978). Degree in Biblical Sciences (SSL) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome (1980). Doctor in Biblical Sciences (SSD) from the Pontifical Biblical Commission (1984). He is Chair of the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia (Barcelona), where he is a lecturer in the New Testament, and he is also Chair of the Antoni Gaudí Faculty.

 He is director of Scientific Publications of the Catalonia Bible Association (“Scripta Biblica” collection) and president of the “Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum”, a project promoted by this Association. He is a member of the “Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas”, of which he was President (2011-2012), where he is part of the Eastern Europe Committee and the Latin America and Caribbean Committee. He is a numerary member of the “Reial Acadèmia de Doctors” (2013).

He has written dozens of books and articles on subjects relating to biblical and theological issues, spirituality and pastoral matters. The main fields of his biblical research have been historical Jesus, the synoptic gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the First Letter of Peter, the Book of the Apocalypse and mediaeval Catalan bible versions. For eleven years (1982-1993), he coordinated the translation team of the “Bíblia Catalana Interconfessional (BCI)”, published in 1993.

Outstanding among his works are “La parabole des dix vierges” (Ed. Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rome, 1983) and a biblical-theological study of the “Homilies d’Organyà”, a thirteenth-century document (Ed. Barcino, 2002). His work, “Jesús. Un perfil biogràfic” (Ed. Proa, 2004), is in its sixth edition (20,000 copies) and has been translated into seven languages. He has also published “Un Jesús desconocido. Claves de comprensión del evangelio gnóstico de Tomás” (Ed. Ariel, 2008), “Els Evangelis apòcrifs (I)” (Ed. Proa, 2008) (Spanish edition: Ariel, 2008) (Italian edition: San Paolo, 2011), “Jesus: An Uncommon Journey. Studies on the Historical Jesus” (Mohr Siebeck, 2010) and “La Sagrada Familia según Gaudí. Comprender un símbolo” (El Alef, 2011). Author of a number of titles in collaboration, he has published three books with Francesc Torralba in the “Una ètica per al segle XXI” project: “La felicitat”, (Ed. Proa, 2005), “La saviesa del cos” (Ed. Proa, 2006) and “La força de la feblesa” (Ed. Proa, 2008). With T. Trafny, he coedited “God and World. Theology of Creation from Scientific and Ecumenical Standpoints» (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2012), and with J. Bonet Armengol, he coedited “Arquitectura i símbol de la Sagrada Família” (Ed. Pòrtic, 2013). He is also author of “Estudis de Nou Testament” (Publications of the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia, 2014). He is a member of the Community of Sant Egidio.

Barcelona, February 2015.