Dr. Juan Vicente Sola

Supernumerary Member

Social Sciences: Dr. in Law and Economics

Date of admittance: 01/06/2018

Admission Speech: Pluralismo y Corporativismo. El freno a la Economía dinámica

Reply: Dr. Edmund Phelps

Lawyer. Doctor in Law and Social Sciences. Diplôme Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales
(Geneva). Diplôme de Hautes Etudes Européens. (College Michel Servet, University of Paris Pantheón Sorbonne) Doctor in Economics. (Eseade) Cum Laude .. Institute of the Foreign Service of the Nation. (Gold Medal to the best Average)

Eisenhower Fellow 1988. Konex Award for the best lawyer of the decade (specialty constitutional law) 2016. National Academy of Moral Sciences and Number Academic Policies and Director of the Institute of Social Sciences Methodology. Academic corresponding. Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of Spain. Academic Number Royal European Academy of Doctors of Barcelona. Regular Professor of Constitutional Law and Theory and Constitutional Law (University of Buenos Aires). Professor in the Doctorate in Law. Director. Master of Law and Economics. (UBA). Director, Center for Law and Economics Studies of the University of Buenos Aires. Conjuez. Federal Chamber in Administrative Litigation. Member of the Center of Capitalism and Society Columbia University, exhibits annually in its congresses. He shared panels with Nobel Laureates Amartya Sen, Robert Schiller, Hahnemann and Phelps. Speaker at The Future of Europe Congress, Oxford University (2016). Speaker in The Age of Invividualism. Columbia University 2017. Amicus Curiae of the Supreme Court of Justice (Argentina) intervened in the main cases, including Grupo Clarín c. National Government, Google Inc., Province of La Pampa c / Province of Mendoza on the Atuel River. Compulsory religious education in the province of Salta. Province of Santa Fe c. Province of Buenos Aires in dispute over Laguna La Picasa.

Author several books among them:

Judicial control of constitutionality,
Treaty of Constitutional Law, (5 volumes),
Treaty of Law and Economics (3 volumes) and
The Supreme Court The new Constitutional process.

Video summary

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