Numerary Members

1. Numerary members shall be selected from among citizens of any European country who hold doctorates from universities of recognised prestige, according to the RAED’s criteria, and who are willing to contribute selflessly to the progress of humanity, the advancement of thought and the quality of science, philosophy, technology or the arts.

2. Numerary members shall be inducted as follows:

a) The Governing Board shall announce the vacancy or vacancies concerned, inform the department of the Generalitat of Catalonia with responsibility for academies and publish a corresponding notice in the Official Journal and on the RAED website.

b) Proposals signed by three numerary members (one of whom must be the proposer) may then be submitted within ten calendar days of the vacancy concerned being published in the Official Journal, accompanied by the candidate’s detailed curriculum vitae. No person shall propose him or herself as a candidate.

c) Once the above deadline has expired, the Admission Board shall have thirty calendar days in which to submit to the Governing Board a detailed report naming its chosen candidate(s), if any, for the vacancy or vacancies concerned.

d) The Governing Board shall announce the name of the candidate (or candidates, if there is more than one vacancy) and transfer the matter to the General Meeting.

e) In order to be elected, a candidate must obtain a simple majority of votes at the General Meeting.

f) The election of new numerary members shall be announced in the Official Journal and on the RAED website.

g) The member elect shall supply a copy of his or her acceptance speech to the Governing Board. The Governing Board shall establish a date for the delivery of the speech and shall select the member designated to give a speech of response.

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