Dr. Daniel Berzosa López

Numerary Member and member of the Governing Board

Social Sciences: Doctor in Laws

Date of admittance: 11 October 2022​

Admission Speech: “Occidente en la encrucijada (una visión desde el Derecho y las Ciencias Sociales)”

Response by: Dr. Teresa Freixes Sanjuán, Doctor in Laws

Dr. Daniel Berzosa López (Ubeda, 19 December, 1969)

He is a European Doctor of Law from the University of Bologna; where he was a student of the prestigious Royal College of Spain and dean (number one by academic record) of his promotion.

He has a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, with an extraordinary degree award and a prize for the best academic record.

He is Professor of Constitutional Law and Advocacy at CUNEF University, CUNEF center attached to the Complutense University of Madrid and at the Institute of Stock Market Studies (IEB), and associate professor at IE Law & Business Schools.

As a Lawyer, he advises and defends matters of special complexity, both national and foreign, whether private or public law for 25 years.

He is a member of the Scientific Committee and the Global Academy of Citizens pro Europe. Coordinator of the International Observatory for the Regulation of Public Sector Entities, of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Member of the Organizing Committees of the World Law Congress of Cartagena de Indias, 2021, and Madrid, 2019.

Army Brand Ambassador (2020). Diploma of the XXXVII National Defense Course, Higher Center for National Defense Studies CESEDEN (2017).

He regularly publishes scientific books, articles, and book chapters; he participates in conferences, projects, and research groups; and delivers lectures and talks; as well as informative and opinion interviews.

In the press, he collaborates with ABC and elimparcial.es. On radio, with Herrera and Mediodía on COPE. And, on television, with El Cascabel, Thirteen a Day and La Lupa de la Mañana (Trece); Public Mirror (Antenna 3); Four a day (Cuatro), the Newscast and Open Audience (TVE) and It’s happening (Telemadrid).

His Majesty the King presented him with the XXXI FIES Journalism Award (2019), for his article “Five years of an exemplary reign”, in a ceremony held at the Zarzuela Palace on November 4, 2020.

Extended CV