Luis de las Heras Vives

Numerary Member

Social Sciences: Doctor in Law

Date of admittance: 14 March 2023

Admission speech: “Estado actual del derecho penal y la política criminal española”

Speech in reply: Dr. Fermín Morales Prats

Dr. Luis de las Heras Vives

Luis de las Heras Vives (Tarragona 1990) holds a PhD in Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2018) with the doctoral thesis “The criminal protection of privacy” directed by Professor Fermín Morales Prats which was qualified as outstanding laude unanimously by the Court. Master of Laws (LL.M.) by the Higher Institute of Law and Economics (2015) with the qualification of outstanding and extraordinary award.

Practicing lawyer of the Bar Associations of Madrid and Barcelona and partner of the professional firm Durán & Durán Abogados Penalistas.

Professor of Criminal Law at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) and member of the faculty of its Faculty of Law. He is also vice president of the Ibero-American Law Institute (IDIBE).

He is the author of more than thirty publications in the field of Criminal Dogmatics and Criminal Policy, the Rights of Personality and on Law and Literature, among which stand out, his study on the protection of the right to honor in the North American order (Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi) and in the Spanish penal code (Derecho y Proceso Penal magazine); crimes against family rights and duties (Tirant lo Blanch); or his study of Franz Kafka’s literary corpus in the work “The Legal World in Franz Kafka. El Proceso”, published in 2019 by Dykinson in co-authorship with Prof. Obarrio Moreno.

Member of the Editorial Committee of the Ibero-American Legal News Journal and of the Editorial Board of the Bolivian Law Journal.

CV extenso