History of Activities 2019


Ene 10

Colloquium-debate “Laïcité – Laicidad. Two different roads in France and Spain with common values “


    • Manuel Valls Galfetti. Former Prime Minister of France (2014-2016)
    • Joan Francesc Pont. President of the Fundación Ferrer i Guardia, member of the Governing Board of the RAED and Numerary Academician
    • Santiago Castellà, Professor of the URV and Numerary Academician of the RAED

Chaired by Richard Onses. Corresponding Academician Elect of the RAED. Event co-organized with UFE: Union des Français de l’Etranger

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 10.01.2019 at 7:00 p.m.

Ene 16

Admission as Numerary Member : Joaquín Callabed Carracedo, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery and specialist in Paediatrics

Speech: Una mirada a Santiago Ramón i Cajal en el seu perfil humà i humanista
Answering speech: Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 16.01.2019 a les 19:30h

Ene 29

Admission as a Full Member: Joan Massons i Rabassa, Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences

Admission speech: Paradigmas financieros en tela de juicio
Speech in reply by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 29.01.2019 at 7:00 p.m.


Feb 7

Admission as Corresponding Academician: Ramón M. Soldevila de Monteys

Admission speech: La contabilidad y sus adaptaciones sectoriales. El caso especial del sector hotelero

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 7.02.2019

Feb 14

Admission as Corresponding Academician: Richard Onses, Dr. in Economic and Business Sciences

Admission speech: “La lógica difusa en la decisión de inversión empresarial frente al riesgo: 20 años entre la investigación pura y la aplicada”
Speech in reply by Dr. Joan Francesc Pont, Dr. in Laws

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 14.02.2019 at 7:30 p.m.

Feb 15

Academic event in the spa Vichy Catalán – Caldes de Malavella

Among other activities, the Academic Act has as its main purpose the realization of a series of multidisciplinary scientific conferences, in the spa Vichy Catalán, in charge of different Academicians and collaborators of the RAED.

Date: from 15.02.2019 to 17.02.2019

Download the programme

MARCH 2019

Mar 1

Venetian Festival at the Pignatelli Palace · Dinner, Carnival concert and masked dance

Organized by:Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona
Reial Acadèmia Europea de Doctors

Price: 40€
Place: Real Artistic Circle of Barcelona, Carrer dels Arcs, 5 – 08002 Barcelona
Date: 01.03.2019 at 8:30 p.m.
Information and reservations: Real Artistic Circle, orquestarealcirculoartistico@gmail.com · tlf. 933 187 866

Mar 11

Enter as Honorary Academician: Joan Roca i Fontané, Josep Roca i Fontané and Jordi Roca i Fontané

Admission speech: “De la Tierra a la Luna”
Speech in reply respectively: Dr. José Ramón Calvo, Dr. Juan Francisco Corona y Dr. Santiago Castellá
Date: 11.03.2019 at 7:00 p.m.
Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona

Mar 19

Admission as a Numerary Academician: Josep Maria Guilemany Casadamon

Admission speech: “De la belleza de los materiales a las artes y las tecnologías avanzadas para la sociedad innovadora del siglo XXI”
Speech in reply: Javier Gil Mur

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 19.03.2019 at 7 p.m.

Mar 20

Round table: “Patrimonio Mundial e Inmaterial de España” (World and intangible heritage of Spain)

Convened by the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain


  • Dr. Ignacio Buqueras i Bach, Numerary Member for the Humanities Section and President of the Association for the Dissemination and Promotion of the World Heritage of Spain
  • Dr. Emilio de Diego Martínez, President of the Humanities Section
  • Dr. Santiago Castellà Surribas, Numerary Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and Secretary General of its Foundation
  • Dr. Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau, Numerary Academician and President of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

Chaired by: Dr. Antonio Bascones Martínez, President of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain

Place: Assembly Hall of the Library Marqués de Valdecilla, C/ Noviciado, 3 – Madrid
Date: 20.03.2019 at 6:30 p.m.

Mar 21

Debate: Viure amb Narcolèpsia (Live with narcolepsy)

European Day of Narcolepsy

Chaired by:

  • Dr. Alex Iranzo
  • Dr. Joan Santamaria

Medical narcolepsy news: Dr. Carles Gaig
Dialogue and conclusions: Dra. Montserrat Pujol

Place: Room of the Atlants of the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona · C/ dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 21.03.2019 at 6 p.m.

Mar 27

Admission as a Numerary Academician: Aldo Olcese Santonja

Admission Speech: Los Retos de la Sociedad Civil en una Democracia Avanzada
Speech in reply: Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 27.03.2019 at 7 p.m.

Mar 28

Round table: “Patrimonio Mundial e Inmaterial de España” (World and intangible heritage of Spain)

Convened by the Royal European Academy of Doctors


  • Dr. Antonio Bascones Martínez, President of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain
  • Dr. Ignacio Buqueras i Bach, Numerary Member for the Humanities Section and President of the Association for the Dissemination and Promotion of the World Heritage of Spain
  • Dr. Santiago Castellà Surribas, Numerary Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and Secretary General of its Foundation

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 28.03.2019 at 7 p.m.

APRIL 2019

Apr 3

Admission as a Numerary Academician: Lluís Giner Tarrida

Admission speech: “Los dientes del comer al lucir: evolución de los materiales odontológicos y cambios sociales”
Speech in reply: Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy and Neurosciences (Health Sciences)

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 03.04.2019 at 7.30 p.m.

Apr 11

Admission as a Honorary Academician: Joan B. Renart Cava

Admission speech: “Sujeto de la creatividad para ser más competitivos: El individuo creativo”
Speech in reply: Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy and Neuroscience (Health Sciences)

Place: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 11.04.2019 at 7.30 p.m.

Abr 25

Admission as a Numerary Academician: Antoni Matabosch Soler, Doctor in Theology

Admission speech: “Societat plural i religions”
Speech in reply by David Jou Mirabent
, Doctor in Physics

Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 25.04.2019 at 7:30 p.m.

MAY 2019

May 21

Admission as a Corresponding Academician: Josep Alet Vilaginés

Admission speech: Marketing Cuántico, un nuevo paradigma del marketing para dar  un salto en la gestión  de los clientes
Speech in reply:
Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy and Neurosciences (Health Sciences)

Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 21 May 2019

May 24

I Scientific-Cultural Meeting in la Rioja Alavesa

24-26 MAY 2019

Royal Academy of Medicine of the Basque Country – Euskal Herriko Medikuntzaren Errege Akademia (RAMPV-EHMEA)

Royal European Academy of Doctors – Europar Doktoreen Errege Akademia (RAED).

With the collaboration of: Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Food Sciences (AEN), Section of Food Sciences of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bilbao (ACMB), Royal Bascongada Society of Friends of the Country and Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC).

Among other activities, Scientific Sessions, guided visits and sessions of TED talks (15 minutes) .

JUNE 2019

Jun 3

Debate “Present and future tobacco addiction”

The Debates of the Royal European Academy of Doctors – World Day without tobacco

Topics to be discussed in the debate: Impact on the consumption of tobacco, since the approval of the laws on the control and regulation of its use. Analysis of new forms of tobacco consumption linked to new technologies, driven by tobacco companies. Study of the impact of these circumstances on youth consumption.


Venue: Auditorium of the Fomento del Trabajo building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 03.06.2019 at 7:00 p.m.

Jun 6

Admission as a Corresponding Academician: José Ángel Brandín Lorenzo, Doctor in Government and Culture of Organizations

Admission speech: La confianza razonada: un medio para la gestión de la incertidumbre en los procesos de las organizaciones
Speech in reply:
Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor in Economics

Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 06 June 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

Jun 19

Admission as a Numerary Academician: Frederic Borràs Pàmies, Dr in Business and Economics

Admission speech: “¿Estamos preparados para la próxima crisis?”
Speech in reply: Dr. José María Gay de Liébana Saludas, Doctor in Economics and Laws

Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 19 Jun 2019 at 7.30 p.m.

Jun 20

Special Scientific Session: Presentation of the Healthy Eating Guide for Primary Care and Citizen Groups

Organized by the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) together with other institutions

They will intervene in the act:

Moderated by: Dr. Maria Àngels Calvo.

At the end a complimentary appetizer will be served.

Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, pral. Barcelona
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.,

Jun 27

Concert of the Orchestra of the Reial Cercle Artistic of Barcelona and summer dinner of the Royal Academy

The concert will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2019, at 7:00 pm at the Reial Cercle Artistic of Barcelona, C / dels Arcs, nº 5 – BCN, institutional collaborator of the event (link to the program).

After the concert will take place the traditional summer dinner of the Academy (link to the menu), in the same precinct of the Royal Artistic Circle, for those who wish it.

JULY 2019

Jul 1

Admission as a Numerary Academician: Ignacio Buqueras y Bach

Admission speech: El Patrimonio Mundial Cultural, Natural e Inmaterial de España
Speech in reply: Dr. Aldo Olcese Santonja, Doctor in Financial Economics

Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 01 Jul 2019 at 7:00 PM

Jul 8

Debate «Sostenibilidad, Transición Ecológica y el papel de las Empresas»

They organize:

  • Royal European Academy of Doctors
  • Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain
  • Independent Foundation

5:45 p.m. Opening

Dr. Antonio Bascones. President of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain
Dr. Alfredo Rocafort. President of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

6:00 p.m. Table 1: «Transición Ecológica y Empresas – Problemas y Retos»

Mr. Javier López Galiacho. Professor of Civil Law at the URJC. Director of Corporate Social Responsibility of FCC
Mr. Jaime de Jaraíz Lozano. President and CEO of LG Iberia
Mr. Pablo Bascones Ilundaín. Sustainability and Climate Change Partner of PwC

Moderator: Dr. Cecilia Kindelán. PhD in Communication and Member of the ICI of the RAED

7:00 pm Table 2: «Sostenibilidad y RSC. El Caso de Galápagos»

Dr. Carlos Montufar. Rector of the University of San Francisco de Quito
D. Cristóbal Roldan. Ambassador of Ecuador in Spain
Ms. Clara Navío. Journalist Specializing in Sustainability

Moderator: Dr. José R. Calvo. Royal European Academy of Doctors

20: 00h Closing Paper «Política Económica y Transición Ecologica»

Dr. Aldo Olcese. Vice-president of the Royal European Academy of Doctors. Vice President of the Senate of the European Economy Spanish Chapter. Independent Foundation President

Place: Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain. Calle de San Bernardo, 49, Madrid
Date: Monday, July 8, 2019, at 5:45 p.m.

Jul 11

Admission as a Corresponding Academician: Alberto Antolí i Méndez

Admission speech: Del Milagro De Israel a la Inversión Inmobiliaria en España
Speech in reply:
 Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, Doctor in Economic Sciences

Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 11 Jul 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

Jul 16

Admission as a Numerary Academician: José María Baldasano Recio, Dr in Chemistry

Admission speech: El actual cambio climático: una Visión Holística de la Crisis Climática
Speech in reply:
 Dr. José María De Gay Liébana Saludas, Doctor in Economics and Law

Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 16 Jul 2019 at 7:00 PM



Consolatio in homage: Dr. Antonio Concellón Martínez

Presentation of the Act: Dr. María de los Ángeles Calvo Torras
Intervention: Dr. Pere Costa Batllori

Place: Hall of acts of the Official College of Veterinarians of Barcelona- Av. República Argentina, 25, Barcelona
Date: 22.07.2019 at 7 p.m.



Admission as a Numerary Academician: August Corominas, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Professor of Human Physiology of the Universities of Murcia and UAB

Admission speech: “Genética Molecular y Biocronogerontología en la era Postgenómica. Sirtuinas. Anti-Aging. Klotho ¿Son las Sirtuinas el buscado «Elixir de Juventud»? El Filum Galénico de la Familia Corominas (200 años)”
Speech in reply: Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, Doctor in Pharmacy, Doctor in Basic and Applied Neuroscience

Venue: Fomento del Trabajo Conference Room – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Date: 18.09.2019 at 7:30 p.m.


V International Act “The Europe of citizens versus the Europe of states”

This international congress will be held from September 22 to 25 in Budapest, in collaboration with the SECHENY University of GYOR and the Central Bank of Hungary. In addition to the main theme, other multidisciplinary aspects will be tackled with the participation of national and international academics from Hungary. maximum relief.

Place: Budapest
Date: 22 to 25.09.2019


Admission as a Numerary Academician: Pedro Nueno Iniesta, Doctor in Business Management by Harvard University

Admission speech:  “Intraemprendiendo. Emprender dentro de la empresa”
Speech in reply: José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery

Venue: Assembly Hall of Catalan Labour National Work Development – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 3 Oct 2019
Event time: 7:30 p.m.


Presentation of the book “Cataluña en Madrid. Una visión de Cataluña desde Madrid” by Dr. Ignacio Buqueras y Bach

A vision of Catalonia from Madrid, Ignacio Buqueras and Bach, his author, contributes his experiences, experiences and reflections for 40 years. In these eight years he has exercised, during four years, the presidency of the Cercle Català de Madrid -1980 / 1984-; publishes a widely read Sunday column for ABC -1983 / 1988- on the presence of Catalonia in Madrid; with the aforementioned title he published a book on the history of the “ancestral home” of the Catalans in Madrid; His admiration for Josep Pla, the great Catalan writer, caused him to publish an interesting biography in 1985; and the very serious and difficult political situation that Spain lives, especially Catalonia, made the excellent Cambó who wrote and published in 1987, with the desire that the Spaniards knew one of the most attractive personalities of the 20th century and extraordinary referent, was republished again last year, in 2018.

They will intervene:

  • Dr. José Manuel Almuzara, Architect. President of the Pro Beatification Association of Antonio Gaudí.
  • Dr. Xavier Añoveros, Vice President of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and the Equestrian Circle.
  • Dr. Ignacio Buqueras and Bach. Academic of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and President of the Association for the Diffusion and Promotion of World Heritage of Spain.

Venue: Assembly Hall of Catalan Labour National Work Development – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 15 oct 2019
Event time: 7:00 p.m.


Admission as a Numerary Academician: Gregorio Varela-Moreiras, Doctor in Pharmacy

Entry speech: “Evolution and revolution in scientific knowledge of dietary intake in Spain”
Speech in reply: Javier Arranceta Bartrina

Venue: Assembly Hall of Catalan Labour National Work Development – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 24.10.2019
Event Time: 7:00 p.m


Admission as a Numerary Academician: Emilio Gil Moya, Doctor of Agronomic Engineering.

Entry Speech: “Días de campo”
Speech in reply: Dr. Javier Gil Mur
Assembly Hall of Catalan Labour National Work Development – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 28.10.2019
Event time: 7:30 p.m



Admission as a Corresponding Academician: Ramón-Ricardo Vidal y Plana, Doctor in Life Sciences and Pharmacology

Entry speech: Triangulaciones post-impresionistas
Speech in reply: Dr. Richard Onses
Assembly Hall of Fomento del Trabajo Nacional building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 07.11.19
Event time: 7pm


Global Alumni Reunion-2019 de l’IESE

3-day event in Barcelona (Palau de Congressos) that will explore a new vision of the future of business, with a powerful academic program, accompanied by visits to companies, learning with high-level speakers and a solidarity event to benefit the Scholarship Program from IESE.

In addition to the free sessions, and optionally, the following services can also be purchased during the registration process:

  • Dinner. Price: 100€. Friday, November 15th
  • Lunch. Price: 45€. Friday, November 15th
  • Solidary Run. Price: 25€. Saturday, November 16th

Some links of interest:

Venue: Palacio de Congresos de Cataluña, Av. Diagonal, 661-671, Barcelona
Event date: From 14.11.19 to 16.11.19


Climate change conference “24 Hours of reality. The truth in progress”

The conference entitled “24 Hours of Reality will be held next November 21 at the Reial Cercle Artistic de Barcelona. The truth in March ”, an initiative promoted by the foundation“The Climate Reality Project” chaired by the former Vice President of the US and Nobel Prize, Al Gore.

This presentation is part of a group of 1500 conferences with the same content and simultaneous to be held in more than 70 countries of the world on November 20 and 21 and have been prepared by Al Gore and distributed to the speakers chosen for presentation that they have been those who have received a training directly done by himself.

Each attendee who wishes may send a message through a bidi code to the international organization who has committed to plant a tree in various countries of the world for each message they receive.

The Barcelona event is organized by the Foundation of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, with the collaboration of the Reial Cercle Artistic de Barcelona, ​​the European Development Foundation and the Quo Artis Foundation and will consist of two parts:

The conference will be offered by Professor Dr. José Ramón Calvo, President of the International Cooperation Institute of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, and strategic advisor of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center who is one of the climate leaders who has participated in this project since its inception in 2012.

The second part of the session will be a discussion table on “How climate change affects health, business or the world” and will include:

  • Dr. José Ramón Calvo, speaker and moderator of the debate,
  • Dr. Jordi Martí, Professor of the Department of Economics from the University of Barcelona and Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors
  • Dr. Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes, ICREA Professor, and director of the Department of Earth Sciences of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
  • Tatiana Kourochkina, General Director of Quo Artis.

This initiative of the Royal Academy, together with the other collaborating institutions, is part of a set of activities grouped under the heading “sustainability campus” that will be developed in the next 24 months and whose highlights, in addition to these actions of dissemination and awareness, will be a scientific expedition to the Galapagos Islands in September 2020 by National Geographic naturalists aboard the National Geographic ship Endeavor II, in which among other personalities, 5 Nobel Prize winners, the former president of Ecuador, or world-renowned plastic artists with special interest in disseminating and raising awareness about biodiversity, the sustainability of natural resources and climate change through their works and artistic creations.

At the end of this expedition a manifesto will be published by the national and international participating organizations that will be signed by the participants, by Nobel prize winners, former heads of state, scientists and civil society leaders from all over the world in which they will highlight the risks facing the fragile ecosystem of the islands that are a reflection of what can happen, and in fact it is already happening, in less protected environments such as Alaska, the Mediterranean or Pacific Ocean areas that run the risk of disappearing due to global warming.

A documentary will also be filmed under the direction of one of the great film directors, specialized in nature documentaries, Denis Delestrac, which will be presented at various international festivals and offered to the general public through audiovisual platforms worldwide.

The second major event will be the organization in Barcelona in June 2021 of a Climate Campus, in which 300 young people from all over the world will receive training in climate leadership techniques by personalities of the highest international level to get along successive editions, a group of future leaders who not only have a high level of social and environmental awareness but also have the knowledge, tools and strategies to be able to lead real changes in their spheres of influence.

Event cost: Free upon registration
Venue: Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona – Carrer dels Arcs, 5, Barcelona
Date: 21.11.19
Time: 7:00 p.m.


Round table «Vaccines in the 21st Century: Scientific and Social Aspects»

The session will be presented by Dr. Maria Àngels Calvo, Vice President and Academic of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.

The coordination is in charge of Dr. Joaquin Callabed, Pediatrician and Academic of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.


  • Dr. Fernando Moraga. Pediatrician. Vice President of the Spanish Association of Vaccination, will speak about the updates in the childhood and youth vaccination calendar. New vaccines in the children’s calendar.
  • Dr. Magda Campins, Head of the Preventive Medicine service at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, will present updates on adult vaccines and the need for tighter control. A vaccine calendar for adults.
  • Dr. Joaquin Callabed will analyze, from a bioethical point of view, the various family options, movements that reject and medical opinions on the vaccine issue. It will analyze the principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice that affect those involved. Social movements anti-vaccines. Bioethical aspects to consider.

Description of the event

The immunization of humanity through vaccines has been one of the great achievements in Public Health of the last century.

The UN through UNICEF and WHO introduced vaccines as one of the eight health goals for disadvantaged children.

In our environment there have been infant deaths in unvaccinated children and diseases such as measles that seemed banished have appeared.

At the present time there is a dilemma: On the one hand there is the right of the child to the protection of his health through vaccines. On the other hand, the right of parents to have their children receive the care they deem most convenient for their health.

Another topical issue is adult vaccines, a scattered issue that deserves a tune-up of the vaccination calendar.

Thus, in some studies and surveys conducted, total or partial rejection of vaccines by some families has been detected. There are also associations and social movements that reject vaccination frontally.

The RAED, aware of the health and social importance of vaccines organizes this event with highly qualified professionals in the field of vaccines.

The event will have a space for dialogue and deliberation on the topics presented.

After the event, a guided tour of 10 min. where attendees can see the works exhibited in the Circle of Liceo.
Free entrance. The RAED opens its doors and would be very happy with your assistance and contributions.

Those interested in the round table session are kindly requested to confirm their attendance for reasons of limited capacity.

At the end of the event, an optional dinner will be held at the Círculo del Liceo at a price of 43€ (IVA included) that will be satisfied at the same time as dinner (reservation required in the following registration form).

Event cost: Free upon registration here
Venue: Assembly Hall of Fomento del Trabajo Nacional building – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event date: 26.11.2019
Event time: 7:30 p.m.


Annual charity gala of the Clarós Foundation and the European Development Foundation

Appetizer, later dinner, and a raffle of 4 superlots, 4 works of art from renowned artists and gifts generously given by partners, supporters and benefactor entities, with high social awareness. In the end of the night a glamorous gift provided by a prestigious firm will be auctioned.

Contribution: € 90 per guest (includes 1 ticket for the raffle)
Place: Avenida Palace Hotel, in Gran Vía 605-607
Date: 30.11.2019
Time: 8:30 p.m.




30th aniversary of the Lliga Reumatològica Catalana

The Royal European Academy of Doctors welcomes the commemoration of the XXX anniversary of the Catalan Rheumatology League, an institution that, on the initiative of doctors, welcomes patients from a global and human dimension. We encourage our members and friends to join the event and dinner, of a charitable nature.

The commemoration of the 30th anniversary revolves around the gratitude to the people and institutions that have made it possible for the League to get here by being a reference in the Catalan associative field. Likewise, the entity’s vision for the future will be presented.

The celebration day will have two main activities.

Presentation-colloquium of the multi-variant study of quality of life in rheumatic diseases

Between 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., with the usual format of this Academy activity, in which agility prevails, the colloquium with the title “Les malalties reumàtiques: evidències, coneixement i autoconeixement”, co- organized between the “Catalan Rheumatology Association” and the Royal European Academy of Doctors, on the presentation of the results of the multivariate study between quality of life and unmet needs, adherence to treatment, doctor-patient communication, participation in clinical trials and literacy in Health.

The event will be chaired by Dr. Mª dels Àngels Calvo Torras, Academic Numerary and Vice President of the Government Board of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, and moderated by the Hble. Mr. Dr. Joaquím Llena Cortina.


  • Enrique Garrido (director of INVESFARM)
  • Dr. Miquel Nolla (president of the Catalan Society of Rheumatology)
  • Patricia Planas Rufino (technical director of the Catalan Rheumatology Association)
  • Carolina Navalon, patient advocacy.


Charity dinner and Recognition of the 30th Anniversary of the Rheumatology League

The dinner planned for about 150 people, will take place as follows:

8:45 p.m. Beginning of the Act. Master of Ceremonies: Patricia Planas.

8:46 p.m. Welcome by Josep Sánchez Llibre.

8:50 p.m. Welcome and institutional speech by Elisenda de la Torre, President of the League.

8:55 p.m. Presentation of the League’s awareness campaign on rheumatic diseases. New image of the League and new services and activities for members. Presents the League Manager, Xavier Bretones.

9:00 p.m. Award Awards: Mr. Jordi Ortiz and Mrs. Roser Tarrida historical partners of the League; Lab. PFIZER; Lab. ABBVIE; Mr. Jordi Jarque, journalist of LA VANGUARDIA; Mr. Josep Rocafort, director of art and programs at Beteve; Dr. Joan Miquel Nolla and Dr. Sergi Ordóñez, President of the Catalan Society of Rheumatology and Deputy Doctor in Rheumatology at the Arnau de Vilanova Hospital; Ms. Alba Vergés, Minister of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

9:15 p.m. Speech by Ms. Alba Vergés, Minister of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia

9:25 p.m. End of the event and start of dinner.

11:20 p.m. End of the day

Cost of the presentation / colloquium: Free prior confirmation at lalliga@lligareumatologica.org (limited capacity).
Cost of dinner: purchase of € 45 ticket, which must be transferred to account number ES14 0081 1618 2300 01012603
Place of the colloquium: Assembly hall for the Promotion of Work – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Dinner place: Hotel Colón, Av. De la Catedral, 7, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 3.12.2019




Academy Christmas dinner

The traditional Christmas Dinner of the Royal European Academy of Doctors will be held on December 12 (Thursday) at 9:00 p.m. in the ‘Espuela’ Hall of the Equestrian Circle (Balmes, 169 bis – Barcelona), reserved for the exclusive use of the Academy.

In case you could attend, we would be delighted to have your presence. In this case you should enter the amount of the dinner (the menu has a price of €60 per person – IVA included- with a previous snack) in the account number of the Royal European Academy of Doctors: La Caixa IBAN ES15 2100 0468 0102 0041 6300

For a better organization we would ask you to make a bank transfer from this moment and when you wish indicating the name of the people who will attend.


The risks of aging here and now. A critical dialogue on bad treatments for older persons.

In recent years a new and serious social problem has emerged: the mistreatment of the elderly. However, it is necessary to warn that it is not so much a new phenomenon but the way out of its invisibility. Indeed, more and more cases of ill-treatment of long-term or elderly people emerge to the surface and this happens in a wide range of modalities, from neglect and abandonment to physical violence or economic plunder.

This is how, from the basic social services, the mental health and health devices or the state security forces and the prosecutor’s office, situations in which the elderly are subject to theft, fraud, beatings, threats or insults are detected. And all this happens without, so far, public administrations have taken action on the matter in a determined way through the implementation of legal, social or health measures.

Within this framework, an initiative has emerged from professionals linked to the Regional Council of Baix Llobregat. This initiative is the SEAP, Servei Especialitzat d’Atenció les les Persones Grans. This service is interdisciplinary in nature (social, legal and health) and has managed to build a discourse and a methodology that is facilitating the actions of the Prosecutor and the world of the judiciary.

This day will focus on the presentation of the SEAP, its methodology and a brief memory of the cases in which it has intervened. There will also be the participation of professionals from other disciplines to debate and critically reflect on this social scourge that is the mistreatment of the elderly.


From 17.30 to 17.45 h. Presentation of the Conference:

  • Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, President of the Institute for International Cooperation of the Royal European Academy of Doctors
  • Eva M. Martínez Morales,President of the Regional Council of Baix Llobregat

17.45 – 18.30 h. Experience of good treatment for the elderly and people in situations of fragility.

Moderator: Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández

  • Dr. Josep Moya Ollé. Psychiatrist and psychogeriatra of the Servei Especialitzat d’Atenció a les Persones (SEAP) of the Baix Llobregat. Contributor of the Centre d’Estudis Jurídics and Formació Especialitzada of the Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Ester Fornells Admella. Coordinator of Servei Especialitzat d’Atenció a les Persones (SEAP). Coordinator of Servei Especialitzat d’Atenció a la Infància i Adolescència (SEAIA) of the Baix Llobregat.

18.30 – 19.15 h. Dialogue Table-1

  • Maria Rosa Rubio Ramos. Prosecutor Devolved of the Civil Speciality and of Juridical Protection of the Persons with Disability for the Freelance Community of Canaries. Vowel of the Fiscal Council.
  • Mònica Rincón Acereda. Forensic psychologist of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Las Palmas.
  • Manuel Murillo Rosado. Director of Communication of the Real European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

19.15 – 20 h. Dialogue table-2

  • Almudena Castro-Girona Martínez. Notary director of the Aequitas Foundation of the CGN and president of the Human Rights Commission of the UINL
  • Dr. Xavier Altarriba Mercader. PhD in Neurosciences and Phd in Sociology. Analyst Programmer.
  • Dr. Antón Costas Comesaña. Professor of Economics. President of the Foundation Cercle d’Economia.

Cost of the event: Free previous inscription (capacity limited)
Place: Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona, Carrer dels Arcs, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Date: 12.12.2019
Hour of onset: 17:30h


IESE Alumni Learning Program · Ciclo Economía – Extraordinary Session

The world in a changing environment: from digital transformation to climate emergency or commercial warfare

Speaker: José Manuel González-Páramo, Executive Director, BBVA
Moderator:  Prof. Pedro Videla
, Economy, IESE

The world is constantly evolving and changes are happening at a dizzying pace. We are in the fourth industrial revolution, the digital transformation, which is modifying the way in which we relate to people, business models, and ultimately the way in which value is created. Additionally, citizens face challenges such as environmental degradation and climate change, demographic transition, migration and inequalities.

Together with these structural changes, the commercial war, Brexit and the increasingly limited capacity of central banks to relaunch the economy raise doubts about the ability of European governments to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth over the time.

Given this situation it is necessary to make a calm reflection on the current situation and the different future scenarios that we will face in the coming months and years.

Enroll here
Place: Barcelona, Barcelona North Campus – Aula Magna (Arnús i Garí, 5)
Date: 16.12.2019
Time: From 12:00 to 13:30


Admission as a Corresponding Academician: Alejandro Pursals Puig, Doctor of Economic Sciences

Admission speech: “Panamá, puente entre continentes”.
Speech in reply:  Excmo. Sr. Dr. José Mª Gay de Liébana Saludas
Venue: Assembly Hall of Work Promotion – Via Laietana, 32, Pral, Barcelona
Event Date: 18 Dec 2019
Event time: 7.30 p.m.

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