Nueva Junta de Gobierno RAED diciembre/2018The Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) renewed its Governing Board last December 4 to face with guarantees the new challenges that the institution has set, guarantee the representation of the different disciplines that compose it, increase its plurality and at the same time offer a greater presence to women in their governing bodies. The reform responds to the request of the president of the RAED, Alfredo Rocafort, that all the members who have composed it throughout this mandate put their charge at their disposal to undertake a renewal through the co-optation system that must ratify the next General Meeting.

Rocafort thanked the collaboration of all its members and highlighted his privilege and honour for having worked intensely with each and every one of the academicians who give way to others, as well as those who follow, to face a new stage. Those who left the Board expressed their commitment to continue working for the Royal Academy in other areas. Those who enter, meanwhile, committed to work for the corporation with generosity and solidarity, giving priority to the good work of the institution over any consideration of personal scope and always overcoming their differences.

The composition of the new Government Board is as follows:

President: Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau
1st Vice President: Xabier Añoveros Trias de Bes
2nd Vice President: Pedro Clarós Blanch
3rd Vice President: Maria Àngels Calvo Torras
President of the Institute of International Cooperation: José Ramón Calvo Fernández
General Secretary: Teresa Freixes Sanjuán
Deputy Secretary: Santiago Castellà Surribas
Treasurer: Jordi Martí Pidelaserra
Vocal: Joan Francesc Pont Clemente
Vocal: Oriol Amat Salas
Vocal: María José Esteban Ferrer
Vocal: Sònia Fernández-Vidal
President of the Senate: Miguel Ángel Gallo Laguna de Rins