Dr. Rafael Urrialde

Rafael Urrialde, corresponding academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), was appointed last September 1 honorary professor of the Complutense University of Madrid during the academic year 2018-2019. The recognition was made at the proposal of the Department of Genetics, Physiology and Microbiology of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of this university in recognition of the merits and professional career of the teacher.

Recognized expert in food regulation, the academician offered on 11 January to the students of this Faculty the practical workshop “Desarrollo de un alimento o bebida para el mercado español” (Development of a food or drink for the Spanish market), where he detailed all the steps that the food industry should take to take to market their products. Universidad Complutense de MadridA course endorsed not only for its scientific, technical and legal knowledge of the sector, but for its extensive experience in the world of food business and in the defence of consumer rights.

Member of different scientific committees related to food and nutrition, Urrialde is the author and co-author of scientific publications related to nutrition education. He was head of Health and Food Safety in Puleva Food, director of the Health and Food Department in the Consumers Union of Spain, technical coordinator of the magazine “Ciudadano”, analysis technician of the Cold Institute of the Spanish Higher Council of Scientific Research and collaborator of the Chair of Plant Physiology of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. He is currently director of Health and Nutrition of Coca-Cola Iberia.