Dra. Rosalía Arteaga
Rosalía Arteaga, former president of Ecuador and honorary academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has been recognized with the Diploma of Honour of the House of Castilla-La Mancha in Madrid, the highest distinction of this cultural entity, in recognition of her extraordinary international social work for the education. Doctor Jurisprudence and Anthropology, Arteaga adds to her dedication to politics her passion for education and a long career as an essayist and poet who has been recognized internationally.
The academician took advantage of her stay in Madrid to participate in a session at the Forum Canarias Madrid. The full academicians of RAED José Ramón Calvo and Joan Francesc Corona have also participated in the meeting. The speaker has shelled the most significant milestones of her professional life. Her speech was followed by an interesting debate among the attendees on aspects of international politics in relation to education and the social integration of the most disadvantaged people. During the session the literary work of Arteaga was reviewed and the CD “Conjuros” was presented. In this work the composer Eduardo Neira plays some of her poems.