The Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) translates to its academicians, as an Academy associated with the Institute of Spain, the declaration of its Governing Board on the challenge to the legality and coexistence that supposes the independence policy promoted by the Government of Catalonia. The institution that groups the main Spanish scientific Academies considers that “the wrong referendum promoted by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia lacks all legitimacy, since it violates the most elementary requirements of the State of Law”.

“No fully democratic country like Spain admits, nor can it admit, the claim to violate national sovereignty, nor the attempt to break its unity – the statement goes on to say-. In addition to illegitimate, this alleged vote would be completely void by the permanent manipulation of public opinion, coercion of dissenters and abusive and irregular use of the entire Autonomous Administration to impose a false monolithic image of Catalan citizenship”.

“For all this -concludes the Governing Board of the Institute of Spain-, it’s considered that the promoters of this attempt to violate the essential legality of the State must respond in a manner proportional to the magnitude of its attempt, in accordance with the laws in force in our rule of law. For this reason, the Board expresses its support for the powers of the State in the implementation of all necessary measures to maintain the permanent validity of democratic legality”.