Dr. Joaquín Callabed
Joaquín Callabed, president of the Spanish Social Paediatrics Club and regular contributor to the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has donated to the Library of the Academy the book “Criticados y poco escuchados (una mirada a los adolescentes)” (Criticized and little listened. A look at adolescents), of which is editor. The work collects a wide range of articles from thirty leading specialists in fields as diverse as paediatrics, nursing, pedagogy, gynaecology, sophrology, psychiatry, social work, anthropology, philosophy or bioethics, coordinated by the Social Paediatrics Club, that offer a transversal and multidisciplinary vision around adolescence in our days.
Among the topics developed, the clinical visit to the adolescent, his psychosocial development, migration and interculturality with special attention to genital mutilation and Ulysses syndrome, bullying and cyberbullying, adolescent pregnancy, anorexia and bulimia, addiction to alcohol and other drugs, personality disorders, depression and suicide or the rights of the child. The work puts the finishing touch to the celebration of the first 20 years of activity of the institution.