MIguel Angel-Gallo Laguna de Rins

Dr. MIguel Ángel Gallo

Miguel Ángel Gallo, full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) and president of its Senate, stresses the importance of any family company having a specific protocol to help it compete in the market and overcome any crisis according to its unique character.

“The complexity, if not treated with professionalism, becomes even more complex and in this type of society the company is a contract between members of a family -says Gallo-. Within the family, what isn’t well united corrupts. It’s necessary to create spaces for coexistence in order for a company to succeed”.

Professor emeritus of the business school IESE, Gallo made these reflections during his speech at the European Congress of Interdisciplinary Research that the Royal Academy celebrated between July 15 and 22 within the framework of its III International Act, which took place in various Baltic cities.