Santiago Castellà, professor of International Law at the Rovira i Virgili University, director of its Chair Smart City and full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), participated on May 7 in the round table “Nous equilibris nord/sud a l’espai Europeu” (New North/South balances in the European space), organized by the Association of Former Officials of the European Union (AIACE) in the framework of its annual meeting, which was held in Tarragona. The debate, on the other hand, took place in the Tarraconense Center El Seminari.

Next to Castellà, participated in the round table Joaquín Díaz Pardo, president of AIACE International; Jordi Garcia-Petit, former director of the Committee of Regions of the European Union, and Alfonso González Finat, former director of Trans-European Networks of the European Commission. The debate addressed the future challenges of the European institutions to alleviate the imbalances still existing between the regions of the South and the North, beyond the economic issues.

Among its founding objectives, AIACE has the mandate to contribute to the study of European integration and public awareness by contributing its collaboration and experience to both community and national institutions or private institutions working on these issues. To this end, AIACE regularly organizes meetings such as that of Tarragona with the participation of experts on European issues and actively cooperates with the European movement.


Further information about the meeting

Program of the act


Santiago José Castellà en el acto "Nous equilibris nord/sud a l'espai Europeu"