Onofre Martorell, full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has been recognized by the Spanish Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism as the author of the best article of research in tourism for a work published in the prestigious journal Tourism Management with the specialists in the sector Luis Otero, Milagros Vivel and Rubén Lado. This is the study entitled “Impact of location on profitability in the Spanish hotel sector”.

Dr. Onofre Martorell Cunill
The work analyses the impact of localization on the profitability of Spanish hotels. The study uses data models of static and dynamic panels that come from 8,992 hotels distributed in 97 tourist points. For the different territorial areas, they have estimated indicators of concentration, employment, barriers to entry and market power. The results obtained show the high dependence on the profitability of Spanish hotels with respect to the tourist destination in which they operate. Specifically, the concentration of the market and the level of average occupancy in each tourist destination are the main location factors that affect profitability. The work also shows the contribution of the profitability of the location variables in the different Spanish tourist points.
Onofre Martorell is a doctor in Economics, a professor at the University of the Balearic Islands, dean-president of the Balearic Islands Association of Economists, director of the Ibiza Tourism School and director of several masters in tourism management and business management in the sector.