Presentation of the book “Más sociedad, menos y mejor Estado”, by Dr. Ignacio Buqueras
Place: Room B of the Fomento del Trabajo Building. Via Layetana, 32, main., Barcelona
Date: Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Time: 18:30 h
Format: Face-to-face
Event cost: Free
Inscription: Contact RAED Secretariat: or tel. 93 667 40 54
Description of the event

Dr. Ignacio Buqueras
More than twenty years ago, in 2002, the author (Dr. Ignacio Buqueras) wrote the book “Más sociedad, menos y mejor Estado” (More society, less and a better State), in which he expressed his dedication to promoting and strengthening civil society. He moved because of the weakness of the social fabric, the lack of civic education and the excessive dependence of civil society on political power. In the following years, he continued working in different organizations and foundations to strengthen civil society. He highlighted the creation of the Asociación Civil Sociedad Ahora (SOCIA) and the organization of three National Congresses of Civil Society. He also participated in efforts such as the Spain Solidarity Forum and the NEOS group, promoting principles such as the unity of Spain and the appreciation of national heritage. In addition, he became involved in the promotion of rational timetables in Spain through the National Commission for the Rationalization of Spanish Timetables and the Association for the Rationalization of Spanish Timetables (ARHOE).
He also highlighted his work in the dissemination and promotion of Spain’s World Heritage through the Association for the Dissemination and Promotion of our World Heritage (ADIPROPE). Over the years, the author has been a member of several Royal Academies and has actively participated in various organizations and entities in the associative world. His objective has been to promote a more responsible, associative, supportive and democratic society, and to strengthen the role of civil society in the public and political life of Spain. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of education, the integral development of the human being and the pride of being Spanish and of the rich history of the country.
- Dr. Ignacio Buqueras. Author of the book. Emeritus Member of the RAED.
- Dr. Alfredo Rocafort. Numerary Member and President of the RAED.
- Dr. Pablo Ignacio de Dalmases. Numerary Member of the RAED.
- Dra. Maria dels Àngels Calvo. Numerary Member and Vice President of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.
- Dr. Jaume Llopis. Numerary Member and Member of the Governing Board of the RAED. IESE Professor.