The YouTube channel of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) already has the video summary, as well as the full video, of the act of admission as a full academician of Juan Vicente Sola, doctor in Law and Economics, which was held in Barcelona on June 1. The recipient read the admission speech “Pluralismo y corporativismo: el freno a la economía dinámica” (Pluralism and corporatism: the brake on the dynamic economy). On behalf of the corporation answered the honorary academician and winner of the Nobel prize in Economics in 2006 Edmund Phelps.
In its first intervention before the RAED, Sola defined the bases of political coexistence of the current democracies: individualism, pluralism and constitutionalism, and posing as their main brake the corporatism, and from there develop strategies to identify their different forms, some with a great political predicament, and establish the best strategies to combat it. Because, for the new academician, corporatism is a movement that is usually defined in opposition to established forms, with authoritarian, populist and anti-democratic tones that suppose an authentic and constant brake on economic dynamism in Western societies.