Rafael Urrialde de Andrés

Dr. Rafael Urrialde de Andrés

Rafael Urrialde de Andrés, recognized nutritionist and corresponding academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), participated on December 4 at the ceremony of delivery of the “Guarantee Brand Judión of La Granja 2018” posthumously to Tomás Urrialde in recognition of his entire professional career. The tribute took place in the Town Hall of the Real Sitio de San Ildefonso and coincided with the 2nd Gastronomic Conference of La Granja, held in this municipality of the Community of Castile and León.

The academician also gave the conference “Evolución de la información relacionada con la alimentación y la nutrición: retos de adaptación por el consumidor” (Evolution of information related to food and nutrition: challenges of adaptation by the consumer), where he presented some of the advances in the subject of which he himself was the architect as head of Health and Food Safety in Puleva Food, director of the Area of ​​Health and Food in the Consumers Union of Spain, technical coordinator of the magazine “Ciudadano” or analysis technician of the Institute of the Cold of the Spanish Superior Council of Scientific Investigations.

Urrialde was also a collaborator of the Chair of Plant Physiology at the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid and is currently director of Health and Nutrition of Coca-Cola Iberia. At the end of his presentation, the academician made official delivery to the City Council of the Real Sitio for deposit in the Historical Archive of the original of his doctoral thesis on the nutritional content of the “judión” (great bean).

The contest also recognized with the prize “Best Harvest 2018” to José Dorrego, farmer of the Real Sitio de San Ildefonso. The samples of Ana de La Mata, as well farmer of the Real Sitio de San Ildefonso, and this of Ignacio García, of Hontanares de Eresma, were finalists.