“We have fulfilled the objective of expanding the range of knowledge of all attendees and provide an unforgettable cultural and scientific experience”
“The satisfaction of the participants has been very high and they have already requested a next expanded edition, but with this same format”. José Ramón Calvo, academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) and director of its Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, valued with these words the academic act that the RAED held at the Hotel Spa Vichy Catalán the past 3rd and 4th of March. Calvo designed a scientific and recreational program that brought together 20 speakers and 75 participants who combined conferences of a maximum of 15 minutes with playful and gastronomic sessions, such as the dinner they shared at the Celler de Can Roca-Mas Marroch. “I think we have fulfilled the objective of expanding the range of knowledge of all attendees and provide an unforgettable cultural and scientific experience”, said Alfredo Rocafort, academician and president of the Governing Board of the RAED and promoter of the original initiative.
After the opening of the sessions by the deputy mayor of Caldes de Malavella, and the welcome of the president of the Vichy Catalán Group, Joan Renart, the talks began with the intervention of Josep Roca, sommelier of Celler de Can Roca. José Ramón Calvo surprised the attendees with the story of two Spanish entrepreneurs such as Jean Leon and Mónico Sánchez and the academician Maria Àngels Calvo illustrated the audience about mircroorganisms that live in extreme conditions. The academician Jordi Martí also gave a presentation on “Historias de la tecnología que cambian el mundo y las empresas” (Stories of technology that change the world and companies), while the academician-elect José María Baldasano presented the work “¿Qué implicaciones climáticas se derivan del deshielo del Ártico?” (What climatic implications derive from the melting of the Arctic?). Cecilia Kindelán, of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, also warned about climate change.
Talking about management plan, the academician Carlo Gallucci reflected on marketing strategies and IESE professor Jaume Llopis on “¿Cómo perder la reputación de marca?” (How to lose brand reputation?). British diplomat Pollyana Nethersole reflected aloud on “¿Qué hemos hecho para merecer el Brexit?” (What have we done to deserve Brexit?). The academician Rosmarie Cammany, in turn, presented the paper “La Filantropía: una inversión de alto rendimiento” (Philanthropy: a high performance investment). The academician Joan Francesc Corona spoke about family business and fellow academician Teresa Freixes answered the question of her presentation: “¿Sirve para algo tener una constitución?” (Is it useful to have a Constitution?). For his part, Naohito Watanabe, consul of Japan in Barcelona, explained the fascinating biography of the Japanese actress Sada Yacco.
The journalist Manuel Murillo explained the particularities of so-called “fake news”, Alfredo Rocafort reflected on the challenges of accounting and academician Pedro Clarós presented the work “El misterio de la metamorfosis de una voz del siglo XX-XXI” (The mystery of the metamorphosis of a voice of the XX-XXI century). Fellow academician Xabier Añoveros explained the “Experiencia de un navarro en Cataluña” (Experience of a Navarrese in Catalonia) and the food entrepreneur Enrique Tomás concluded the sessions with his presentation “De Badalona al mundo: historias de un charcutero” (From Badalona to the world: stories from a butcher).
Programme of presentations
- Inaugural conference: Joan B Renart CEO of Vichy Catalán – Un ejemplo de Historia, Innovación y Desarrollo.
- Josep Roca, Sommelier Celler de Can Roca – Lo que nos cuenta el Vino
- José Ramón Calvo, ULPGC – RAED: ¿Ecosistema Inviable = Resultados imposibles?
- Maria Àngels Calvo, RAED: A la caza de “bichos” insospechados en lugares ni imaginados
- Jordi Martí, UB – RAED: Historias de la Tecnología que cambian al mundo y a las empresas
- José María Baldasano – UPB – RAED – ¿Qué implicaciones climáticas se derivan del deshielo del Ártico?
- Cecilia Kindelán, RAED: El Clima cambia y no sabemos contarlo
- Carlo Maria Gallucci, RAED – Universitat Ramon Llull – ESADE: ¿Con una buena estrategia de Marketing se puede vender un mal producto?
- Jaume Llopis, IESE: ¿Cómo perder la reputación de una marca?
- Pollyana Nethersole, ¿Qué hemos hecho para merecer un Brexit?
- Rosmarie Cammany, La Filantropía: Una inversión de alto rendimiento
- Juan Francisco Corona, DG Instituto de Empresa Familiar. ¿Las Peleas de familia destrozan las empresas familiares?
- Teresa Freixes, UAB – RAED: ¿Sirve para algo tener una constitución?
- Naohito Watanabe, general consul of Japan in Barcelona: “Musa modernista: La primera actriz japonesa que visitó Barcelona”
- Manuel Murillo, RAED: ¿Quién sale ganando con las “Fake news”?
- Alfredo Rocafort, RAED: Los contables cuentan lo que es fácil de contar, pero no lo que más cuenta.
- Pedro Clarós, RAED: “El misterio de la metamorfosis de una voz del Siglo XX-XXI”
- Xabier Añoveros, Historias de un navarro en Cataluña
- Enrique Tomás, De Badalona al Mundo: Historias de un charcutero.
- Joan B. Renart Cava – Sergi Mir – Dr. Alfredo Rocafort
- Josep Roca
- Dr. José Ramón Calvo
- Dra. Maria Àngels Calvo
- Dr. Jordi Martí
- Dr. Jose Maria Baldasano
- Dra. Cecilia Kindelán
- Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci
- Dr. Jaume Llopis
- Dra. Pollyana Nethersole
- Dra. Rosmarie Cammany
- Dr. Juan Francisco Corona
- Dra. Teresa Freixes
- Naohito Watanabe, cónsul general de Japón en Barcelona
- Manuel Murillo
- Dr. Alfredo Rocafort
- Dr. Pedro Clarós
- Dr. Xabier Añoveros
- Enrique Tomás
- Dr. Alfredo Rocafort – Dr. José Ramón Calvo
- Restaurante Mas Marroch