Francisco López Muñoz, full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has been awarded with the 2016 Prize of the Society of Co-Owners of Buildings that were University, in its modality of Philosophy and Letters, for its second doctoral thesis “Las sustancias psicotrópicas en los textos cervantinos: tras el rastro del Dioscórides de Andrés Laguna” (Psychotropic substances in the Cervantes texts: after the Dioscorides trace of Andrés Laguna). López Muñoz is a professor of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Health and director of the International School of Doctorate at the Camilo José Cela University.


The award, given by representatives of this institution and the Vice-Rectorate of University Extension and Institutional Relations of the University of Alcalá, was presented last November 8 in the Solemn Session of the Annua Commemoratio Cisneriana, the annual academic event with which the University of Alcalá pays homage to its founder, Cardinal Cisneros. The event was presided over by the rector and was held in the historic auditorium of this university.

The Society of Co-Owner is a private society created in 1850 to save and preserve the artistic heritage of the old University of Alcalá, some of whose buildings have been declared by Unesco as a World Heritage Site. Today he leases part of this heritage to the university for a symbolic price, manages the rest of his heritage and actively participates in complutense cultural life.