Franciso López Muñoz publishes the work "El vuelo de Clavileño..."

Francisco López Muñoz, full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has published the book El vuelo de Clavileño: Brujas, locos, pócimas, fármacos, médicos e inquisidores a través de la literatura cervantina” (The flight of Clavileño: Witches, madmen, potions, drugs, doctors and inquisitors through Cervantes literature) (Delta Publicaciones-Ediberun) together with Francisco Pérez Fernández, professor of Criminal Psychology and Anthropology at the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid.

With Cervantes as reference, the work proposes a trip to the world of witches and sorceresses of the Spain of the Golden Age, a world of murky superstitions and pestilent cauldrons, brutal persecutions and tortures, consensual medical fraud, asphyxiating and repressive laws, intransigent inquisitors and great misoginia, which was hidden under the long shadow of absolute faith, the purity of blood and the pretended good habits.

López Muñoz is professor of Pharmacology at the Camilo José Cela University and director of its International Doctorate School. He is doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University in Madrid and a doctor in Spanish Language and Literature from the University of Alcalá.