Xabier Añoveros, full academician and vice-president of the Governing Board of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), presented on 22 January at the Bar Association of Barcelona the book “Buscando a Dios en el universo” (Looking for God in the universe), by the renowned economist, professor and politician Ramón Tamames. The event was also attended by Jaume Aymar, director of Catalan Radio Estel, and lawyer Xavier Puigdollers, member of the Governing Board of the Bar Association, as well as the author himself, who closed the presentation with his intervention.

“Buscando a Dios en el universo” is an essay that deals with fields as diverse as theology, mysticism, cosmology, astronomy, medicine, physics, chemistry, philosophy or religion, without being framed in a concrete or exhaustive way in any of them. “This is an essay of a wise man like him, built with rigor, which provides an immensity of data, footnotes and bibliography -said Añoveros during his presentation-. Professor Tamames presents a historical review, with his own personal annotations, of the main theories of the universe, as well as the theories about the evolution of the species and ours”.

Political leader of the Spanish Transition, Tamames is above all a recognized economist, professor emeritus of the Autonomous University of Madrid, and an outstanding writer of essays and works of fiction, historian and thinker. According to the academician and vice-president of the RAED, “the author has written this book to demonstrate that for a scientist life does make sense and that the problem of God isn’t to throw in the trash, since he maintains that it is likely that a superior intelligence, and that he himself has sought God, and ends the book by manifesting that hi intuits God”.

“This book tries to find out if there is that philosopher’s stone that governs the totality of existence. With an informative and attractive language, while rigorous, the wise humanist Ramón Tamames seeks God in the universe. The existence of a principle responsible for all evolution seems to be supported by science, according to the testimonies of many of the main scientists of the Century XX to which Tamames refers in this work”, as indicated the introduction of the book.