“Women have a significantly higher prevalence of voice disorders than men and hormonal fluctuations make a clear difference”
Pedro Clarós, full academician and vice president of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), and Francisco López Muñoz, full academician, have conducted the study entitled “Influencia de las hormonas sexuales en la voz de las cantantes de ópera” (Influence of sex hormones on the voice of opera singers), which will be published by Tribuna Plural, the scientific journal of the RAED, in its number 17. In this complete article, the academicians highlight the influence of sex hormones on the voice of female singers, a frequent and important phenomenon for her professional career that shows how many of the voice problems that occur in lyrical singers are due to the hormonal changes that occur throughout his career.
“Women have a significantly higher prevalence of voice disorders than men (46.3% versus 36.9%) and hormonal fluctuations make a clear difference between the two groups”, the academicians start their analysis by specifically pointing to the varied production of oestrogens, progesterone and testosterone. Some changes that are perceived especially in the so-called premenstrual vocal syndrome, characterized by vocal fatigue, the loss of high tones and the ability to sing quietly, the loss of strength in the voice and a decrease in harmonics, with the result of a hoarse sound. The academicians also review the possible effects of the use of contraceptive drugs for voice, pregnancy and menopause and point out the results of therapies such as the use of testosterone and anabolics.

Dr. Pedro Claros Blanch

Dr. Francisco López Muñoz
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, Clarós has a long career and research that has led him to be one of the leading otolaryngologists in Spain and Europe, required by large institutions such as the Liceo of Barcelona. It adds to his dedication and delivery to the sick with fewer resources through the programs of the Clarós Foundation, an institution that also promotes projects together with the Clarós Clinic with doctors from developing countries. Also doctor in Medicine and Surgery and in Spanish Language and Literature, Lopez Muñoz is professor of Pharmacology in the Faculty of Sciences of the Health of the University Camilo José Cela and director of his International School of Doctorate.