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The cultural response to a new social and political order where the individual goes to extreme close-up. So analyzes Salvador de Brocà the Baroque aesthetics in “Reflections on the Baroque”, his inaugural speech at the Royal Academy of Doctors (RAD), he read yesterday during a solemn session held in Barcelona.

To De Brocà, artistic events that occur in Europe between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are closely linked to the new economic paradigm that opens at this time, to the political crisis that led to the establishment of Protestantism and the consequent evolution of thought. “If the Renaissance is understood as a process of idealization, a desire for glory, of sublime harmony, a reflection of divinity, Baroque largely represents the disappointment of it. Faced with the archetypes, baroque culture enhance the individual The existence against perfection”, argues the new academic.

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“Moreover -he continues-, these tumultuous years are especially relevant for a change, the triumph of the critical spirit of the principle of authority. It is a time of economic recovery reappearance of gold in the market, the trade and prosperity manufacturing, and the constitution of the modern science of Newton’s hand”.

Doctor of Philosophy, the new academician is a member of the Catalan Society of Philosophy and the Royal Academy of Bones Lletres. He has taught at the University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona and the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of Tarraconense Archbishopric and is author of a dozen reference books on philosophy and history of thought.

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