David Jou, full academician and editor of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has published “Cartografies de Déu” (Cartographies of God) (Viena edicions), a collection of poems inspired by interreligious dialogue between Christianity, Judaism and Islam, as well as the three great monotheistic religions with secularism. The book maintains a dialogue with the work of Ramon Llull, in particular with the “Book of the Gentile and the Three Sages”, also dedicated to interreligious dialogue.

According to the author, this work continues with the exploration of the spiritual aspects already addressed in his latest books of poetry: “Poemes sobre ciència i fe” (Poems about science and faith) (2012), “Poemes de Nadal i de Setmana Santa” (Christmas and Easter poems) (2014) and “La mística dels dies” (The mystic of the days) (2015). Professor of Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Jou has always combined his teaching and research work, with titles in thermodynamics, with poetry and essays in religious matters.