Academic training:
Currently he is:
- Specialist in Food, Food Safety, Nutrition and Sustainability.
- Associate Professor of Plant Physiology of the Department of Genetics, Physiology and Microbiology of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the UCM.
- Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences of the Faculty of Pharmacy San Pablo CEU University.
- Honorary Collaborating Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics of the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Valladolid.
- Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Nutrition and Food, Professional School of Nutrition and Dietetics of the Women’s University of the Sacred Heart UNIFE. Lima, Peru.
- Professor in different Masters of the UGR, Seville, Barcelona and UCM.
Previous professional activity:
He began in 1986 as a predoctoral collaborator in the Chair of Plant Physiology of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the UCM until 1992, simultaneously throughout 1991 he made a stay / predoctoral collaboration at the Institute of Cold of the CSIC, Vegetable Freezing Unit. In 1992 he began his activity as director of food and health in the Union of Consumers of Spain (UCE) and Technical Director of the magazine Citizen of the Citizen Foundation, ending it in 2000. He became head of food safety and nutrition at Puleva Food until 2006. Finally, from 2006 to 2020 he developed his professional activity at TCCC in Iberia as deputy director of scientific and regulatory affairs and as director of Health and nutrition.
Other professional merits:
- Corresponding cadémic of the RAED.
- Honorary Academician of the AEND.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of FINUT.
- President of the Scientific Commission of SEMEDE.
- It belongs to different societies or scientific entities: SENC, SEÑ, SESAL, AMEDE_FEMEDE, FEN.
- Member of Honorary Food of the CGCOF.
- Honorary Member of the AdENyD.
- Coordinator of the SAN and R+D+i Group of the AEND.
- Author of more than 50 scientific publications, 10 chapters in scientific-technical reference books and several didactic materials.
- More than 200 presentations in training activities and communications to congresses in the field of food science and technology, food security and nutrition and nutrition education and information.
- Collaborator in the development and launch of more than 20 food products.
- Co-director of 2 doctoral theses and director of several TFMs and TFGs at the San Pablo CEU University of Madrid, UCM and UGR.