The Royal Academy will be the Spanish headquarters of the next action promoted by Al Gore to warn about climate change

José Ramón Calvo and Al Gore
José Ramón Calvo, full academician and president of the Institute of International Cooperation of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), participated last July 23 in a private seminar organized by the former vicepresident of the United States and Nobel Peace prize Al Gore. The event was framed in the project “24 hours of reality”, addressed the evolution of the climate crisis, international awareness about it and the actions taken to reverse it and set a challenge: that between November 20 and 21 the appointment attendees make a conference in theirs place of origin on this global problem streaming to all the world.
The meeting is part of the series of meetings that Al Gore has organized since the launch in 2012 of this ambitious initiative that aims to show the world that climate change is real and a consequence of human activity. Since then and once a year 24 leaders personally trained by him offer the same conference in each of the time zones of the globe. Among the 23 invited speakers of the pioneer group of 2012 was Calvo.
Now, the organizers of this project that every year has been completing stages repeating the same format have decided to make a qualitative leap and this year each of these climate leaders should be responsible for giving a conference in their place of origin. The complex logistics of this new activity will be personally coordinated by Al Gore from New York. He will be able to interact with some of the participants live, depending on the time availability and the calendar of simultaneous conferences.
With the expedition to the Galapagos Islands in 2020 together with National Geographic as a framework, the Royal Academy will be one of the hosts of this international event and on November 21 that talk will be hosted that will be broadcast internationally. The expedition, in fact, will serve to address this problem from one of the richest and in turn delicate ecosystems on the planet, which has also begun to feel the adverse effects of climate change.

Al Gore, former US Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize