Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trias de Bes

Dr. Xabier Añoveros Trias de Bes

Xavier Añoveros, full academician and vice-president of the Governing Board of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), shows his most human face and discovers the interiorities of the gestation and the organization of the last International Act of the Academy in a personal interview that will appear in number 16 of Tribuna Plural, the scientific magazine of the RAED. The publication will appear in monographic form dedicated to that 3rd International Act-1st European Congress of Interdisciplinary Investigations that was celebrated the past summer on board of a cruise that it ended up in the main capitals of the Baltic.

“When the president, Alfredo Rocafort, proposed to us in the Board of Government to celebrate an International Act on board of a cruise, all of us who were in that meeting looked at each other with surprise. ‘And will this be successful?’, we asked ourselves: ‘Yes, of course!’, he answered without hesitation. It was an absolute novelty, an academic act on a boat, but the idea was good, because of its appeal, and even more so considering that three Nobel prizes would be involved, who would add their interventions to the usual ones of many of us, so we are encouraged”, explains Añoveros.

The academician highlights the human value and informative capacity of Nobel laureates who have joined the Royal Academy, explains several anecdotes lived with them and highlights the new success that has led to organize together with the Obra Social La Caixa and the Cajasol Foundation two cycles where the Nobel prizes are once again the main protagonists. Finally, he reviews his own career and offers the keys to combine an intense professional activity in front of his law firm with his prolific intellectual production and the elaboration, in unison, of his third and fourth doctoral theses, in Humanities and History, which are added to those that he already read in Law and Economics.