Dr. Federico Fernández de Buján
Federico Fernández de Buján, professor of Roman Law of the Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED) and full academician of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain, has donated to the Library of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) the book “La enseñanza universitaria a distancia, una reflexión desde la UNED” (Distance education, a reflection from the UNED), published by this same university. In his work, Fernández de Buján performs an analysis of the adequacy required by learning systems when applied to the model of open teaching. He points out the particularities presented by teachers, students and teaching staff, with special attention to the application of information and communication technologies. He also tries to seek excellence in this educational model and formulates his own definition of distance education.
The academician approaches his study from the different angles of the process of higher education: the university centers, the reference works, the syllabus and its didactic units, the teaching staff and the student himself, stopping at the UNED model, with its associates centers, their own study material and their specificities. “The 12 chapters of which this study is composed have sought to present a general framework of distance-controlled university education from the UNED. Nothing has been deliberately left out. However, all that is stated is an outline, with a stroke, then, provisional, which aspires to contribute to the graphic expression of our educational reality”, says the author.
“This is a serious work and, in turn, enjoyable reading, which expresses a clear understanding of what the UNED means, contrasted by the daily work of an excellent university professor. I think, in short, that its reading will be extremely positive for all those who want to know and collaborate in the exciting project that our university means”, says Jaime Moltalvo Correa, rector of the National University of Distance Education at the time of publication.