Make the Senate an advisory and control body open to the participation of prominent members of the scientific community and civil society hitherto unconnected to the Academy. This will be one of the proposals that the Gpverning Board of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) will propose at the Extraordinary General Meeting on January 17 with the aim of promoting academic activity and making it more accessible to society, following its main mandate.

The reform of the composition of the Senate, which will continue to be a consultative body of the non-binding Governing Board, will allow the participation of persons interested in disseminating and enhancing the scientific activity of the RAED.

On the other hand, the Royal Academy also aims to open the doors to European doctors or those linked to the Old Continent who are not citizens of the European Union. According to the proposed partial reform of the Statutes, the RAED may host “citizens of any European country who hold a doctorate degree issued by a university of recognized prestige, at the discretion of the RAED and who are willing to Contribute selflessly to the progress of humanity, the advance of the thought of reason and the quality of science, philosophy, technique or art”.