Francesc Torralba, director of the Chair Ethos of Applied Ethics at the Ramon Llull University and of the Chair of Christian Thought of the Bishopric of Urgell and full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has published the work “La interioridad habitada” (The inhabited interiority) (Khaf), where he deals with an informative purpose introspection and spirituality, what he himself calls the education of interiority.
“The education of the interior is not, in any case, a luxury, not a minor issue. Its ultimate goal is to take care of oneself in order to develop all the latent powers in the human being: his memory, his imagination, his will, his intelligence, his emotion… But also the ultimate essence of his being: spirituality, admitting that it can acquire very different forms, expressions and modalities in virtue of the educational contexts and historical moments. In the model of inhabited interiority, they recognise, then, two magisteriums: the exercise of the human teacher who speaks and acts from outside and that of the interior teacher who dwells within”, says the author in the presentation of the work.

Dr. Francesc Torralba
Author of more than 70 monographs specialised in ethics, religion, education and philosophy, Torralba is today a reference in all these fields. He recently obtained his third doctorate in Pedagogy, with the thesis “La Bildung como teología de la educación. Análisis hermenéutico de la obra de Edith Stein (1891-1942)” (Bildung as a theology of education, hermeneutical analysis of the work of Edith Stein (1891-1942)). The work was rated with the highest grade by the court. A degree that adds to the one of Philosophy by the University of Barcelona (1992) and to the one of Theology by the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia (1997).