Francesc Torralba participates in the University of Harvard in a debate on the new challenges for the law

Francesc Torralba, director of the Chair Ethos of Applied Ethics at the Ramon Llull University and the Chair of Christian Thought of the Bishopric of Urgell and full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), participated on the 21st of June at Harvard University in the session “New challenges for law: genetic edition, human ecology, and human dignity in life and death-Nuevos desafíos para la ley: edición genética, ecología humana y dignidad humana en la vida y la muerte”, organized by the Royal Complutense College of Harvard University, the Institute of Global Law and Policy of Harvard University, the Criminal Justice Policy Program of the Harvard Law School, the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán El Bueno Foundation and the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house. Torralba participated with the presentation “Human Dignity in Death”.

Dr. Francesc Torralba

Dr Francesc Torralba

The sessions addressed topical issues such as respect for human dignity at the end of life and the limits of power available to each person with respect to their own existence, two topics of debate in the Western world. In this line, the objective of this international seminar was to contribute new ideas to the contemporary debate on human dignity in life and death in Europe and America in the 20th and 21st centuries. For this, the starting point was to analyze the philosophical principles and historical events that have helped to shape current opinions on issues such as genetic editing, human ecology, human dignity, the death penalty, euthanasia, transhumanism or technological singularity, as well as its treatment by the media and opinion leaders in Western countries.

Among the speakers were leading figures both in Europe and throughout the Americas in the fields of bioethics, philosophy, humanities, medicine and law. All, without exception, agreed on the primacy of freedom and ethics that define the dignity of the human being above any other type of consideration.

The seminar was led by José María Puyol, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, and had an organizing committee with the presence of José Manuel Martínez Sierra, director of the Royal Complutense College of Harvard University; Jane Driver, professor at the School of Medicine at Harvard University; José Miguel Serrano, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid; Vicente Bellver, professor at the University of Valencia, and María Luisa Gómez Jiménez, professor at the University of Málaga.