Presentation of the book “Revolución tecnológica y nueva economía” by Dr. José María Gay de Liébana

Main Room of Catalan Labour National Works Promotion. Via Laietana, 32, main floor, Barcelona

Thursday, 13 February 2020

19:00 h

Nowdays, technological and digital revolutions drastically and abruptly transform almost every facet of our life, and change the way we do things, produce and also consume. It is called distruption.

The disruptive economy doubles a categorical remodeling of the old financial categories, assets and liabilities, the way to get income, the idea of ​​what expenses are and how to obtain surpluses. In summary: the new economy transforms balance sheets and profit and loss accounts from top to bottom, which forces us to catch up, to know the sectoral features and different business styles and to be aware of all economic developments.

This book, with the characteristic mixture of erudition and amenity of its author, is the best way to do it.

José Maria Gay de Liébana

Dr. José Maria Gay de Liébana



Fundación RAED
Real Academia Europea de Doctores RAED

In collaboration with:

Generalitat de catalunya

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