Dr. Ernesto Kahan
Ernesto Kahan, honorary academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), gives his special tribute to Mahatma Gandhi in the latest issue of the Indian magazine “Business Economics”, edited by the Kanoria Foundation in Calcutta. Kahan publishes the article “Confessions in our time”, accompanied by the poem “Gandhi ji”, which calls for a global pact of humanity, initiated by the governments of the main countries, particularly those with weapons of mass destruction, which guarantee international coexistence.
Awarded with the Nobel Peace prize as international vice-president of the Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Kahan sends a special missive to all the inhabitants of the Earth, highlighting the value of tolerance towards others. “To achieve survival on Earth we must obtain a comprehensive peace, and to achieve that comprehensive peace we must achieve a global agreement based on harmony, and to reach a global agreement based on harmony we must have tolerance and respect for the dignity of peoples, because without tolerance the associations for harmony and peace will also be destroyed”, the author points out in his letter.
For Kahan, “we must enrol in a crusade for harmony for universal peace, something that isn’t easy, but it isn’t utopian, the rulers, intellectuals, artists, journalists, educators and the general public must demand that policy”. The academician ends his reflection with a poem that begins with a well-known sentence by Gandhi (“An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind”):
At this time, one hundred and fifty years from your birth.
The “shofar” (horn) sounds
to celebrate your life,
your teaching; the never ending way to act:
“Whenever one is confronted with an opponent,
One has to conquer him with love.”
Yes, Gandhi ji
If people could understand that with the use of love
they will achieve more than with the use of hate…!
When such a shofar sounds announcing a New Hebrew Year,
reaches the heart of everyone
provoking painful feelings of the undesirable acts
for the good of the world.
Yes, Gandhi ji
Our poetic art is like this horn,
waking-up consciences
for a new world in harmonious peace.
Yes, like flowers born to seed a green future
for deserts and thorns,
for the most beautiful things, we can give them:
Freedom – tolerance – respect – health
– love – study – art – justice in peace…
Gandhi ji,
Your friend, Poet Rabindranath Tagore,
was the lyrical voice of the “man within the heart”.
To both of you, I embrace that union and plead:
Be always our torches of knowledge;
So often forgotten;
Unite the hands, and
be the bridges of hope and the necessary forgiveness
encompassing a world,
that will be only one, or in replacement, none.
Gandhi, Gandhi ji