Onofre Martorell, full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) and professor of Business Economics at the University of the Balearic Islands, presented in the Third Intgernactional Act of the RAED the study “Contribuciones académicas en la investigación sobre el turismo asiático: un análisis bibliométrico” (Academic Contributions in the research on Asian tourism: a bibliometric analysis). A work that starts from bibliometrics, a fundamental field of information science that helps to extract quantitative conclusions about the bibliographic material on the subject that is put to study. Marco Antonio Robledo, professor of the same university, and Finance and Accounting professors from the University of Santiago de Compostela Luis Alberto Otero and Milagros Vivel also participated in the paper.

Dr. Onofre Martorell Cunill
Through the draining of publications, both monographs and articles in journals, the researchers come to the easily objectified conclusion that China is currently the most productive and influential Asian country in promoting tourism in the region. It is there where more is published about it. “China achieves the best results on all variables, except productivity, with a significant difference compared to the second country in the ranking, which is Taiwan, followed closely by South Korea and Malaysia”, the analysts conclude. Japan, curiously, appears behind a group composed of Singapore, Thailand, India and Iran.
According to the parameters of the study, which takes into account the citations received from published tourism studies, only the first three countries in the ranking present bibliographic articles that stand out as sources of authority as a reference for other authors. In terms of universities, the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong appears as the most productive Asian university in tourism.