Pedro Clarós, full academician and vice-president of the Governing Board of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), read on July 27, in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona his second doctoral thesis, entitled “Evolución del tratamiento farmacológico y quirúrgico de la hipoacusia” (Evolution of pharmacological and surgical treatment of hearing loss). An investigation directed by the also academicians of the RAED Maria Àngels Calvo and Ana María Carmona that deserved the highest qualification of the court: an outstanding “cum laude”. Josep Maria Simón, academician emeritus, was one of the members of the tribunal that evaluated the thesis. Its defence was attended by Alfredo Rocafort, president of RAED; Xabier Añoveros, vice-president, and the academicians Albert Bosch, Emili Gironella, María Asunción Peiré and Joan Sabater.
In this new doctoral thesis, Clarós collects a good part of the 40 years of experience that have made him one of the internationally renowned otolaryngologists with more experience in the treatment of profound deafness through cochlear implants. The academician founded and manages the Clarós Clinic in Barcelona, where he makes these implants since 1993. Clarós is already preparing a third doctoral thesis in Neurosciences at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid.
- Dr. Pedro Clarós
- Dra. Carmona – Dr. Clarós – Dra. Calvo