Since 1983, these courses have trained more than 2,000 physicians from Spain and from different countries of the world

Dr. Pedro Clarós Blanch
The Clarós Clinic, with the support of the European Academy of Otology and Neuro-Otology and the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), organised between the 5th and 6th of March the 84th edition of the course “Temporal Bone Dissection”, addressed to resident doctors and other doctors specialized in otolaryngology. The direction of the course has been borne by its promoter, Pedro Clarós, director and founder of the Clarós Clinic and the Clarós Foundation and full academician and vice president of the Government Board of the RAED.
The temporal bone dissection courses of the Clarós Clinic seek to update specialists with the latest techniques in ear surgery. During the sessions there are lectures on the anatomy of the temporal bone, techniques of ear surgery, cochlear implantation, middle ear and skull base surgery, as well as debates and demonstrations of dissection. Under the guidance of Clarós himself, the course participants dissect two fresh temporal bones. Since 1983, these courses, which take place in the facilities that Clarós Clinic has in Viladecans (Barcelona), have trained more than 2,000 physicians from Spain and from different countries of the world.
The sessions are recognised by the Department of Health of the Catalan Government, with a value of 24 hours or its equivalent of 2.5 university credits. Their next editions already scheduled will take place on May 7 and 8, October 22 and 23 and November 19 and 20.