Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci
Carlo Maria Gallucci, professor and vice-chancellor of International Relations and Students of the Ramon Llull University, professor of the ESADE business school and full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has received the distinction of Knight of the Order of the Academic Palms awarded by the Ministry of National Education of the French Republic for his involvement in the Franco-Spanish University project, promoted by the governments of Spain and France and the university systems of both countries.
The project, started in 2015, was conceived as a university and scientific network open to all higher education and research institutions in France and Spain. It has promoted various actions and has planned the implementation of Franco-Spanish study programs in different disciplines and different study cycles, as well as professional internships. Likewise, it will favour the start-up of study periods of significant duration in the partner institutions and of common study programs of two national diplomas of comparable level or of binational diplomas of associated institutions.
The Franco-Spanish University may grant its own diplomas with the help of institutions as long as they are authorized to grant degrees of the same level according to their national framework, that the integration of these courses justifies the granting of a single title valid in both countries. The Institutional Committee of this university and scientific network undertook to finalize these agreements at its last meeting, which took place precisely at the Ramon Llull University on October 17.
The distinction of Knight of the Order of the Academic Palms is a national order granted by the French Executive to outstanding academics and figures from the world of culture and education. Originally established in 1808 by the Emperor Napoleon as a distinction to honour the eminent members of the University of Paris, the president René Coty transformed it into its current form as an order of merits in 1955.