José Daniel Barquero, full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) and general director of ESERP Business & Law School, obtained last July 17 the Chair of Economics and Business at the Open University La Salle after overcoming the corresponding examination before a distinguished tribunal of professors accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Barquero will exercise the Chair from Madrid.
Barquero has dedicated his life to the study, scientific research and teaching and has deserved the commission of the Spanish Order of Civil Merit, the title of doctor honoris causa by universities in Europe, Asia and Africa and the European Golden Cross that grants the European Development Foundation. He received the doctorate with outstanding cum laude in the areas of Economic Sciences, Legal Sciences, Social Sciences and Communication Sciences from the International University of Catalonia, the Camilo José Cela University, the Autonomous University of Coahuila and, interuniversity and jointly , the University of Malaga, the University of Seville, the University of Huelva and the University of Caddis.
He is honorary president of the European Superior Council of Doctors, academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain, academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, academician of the Illustrious Ibero-American Academy of Doctors and academician of the Academy of European Culture, institutions all of which numerous Nobel prizes are part. Internationally, he has researched and worked in the United States with professor Edward L. Bernays Freud, advisor to presidents of the United States and the White House, and with professor Sir Sam Black, advisor to the Queen of England and significant British companies, with whom he has published the results of his research in publishers houses such as Deusto, McGraw-Hill and Planeta.

Dr. José Daniel Barquero
His research has been published in more than 40 books. The most recent have been published in seven countries: “Cómo mantener, fidelizar y conseguir nuevos clientes” (How to maintain, build loyalty and get new customers) (McGraw-Hill), “How to Avoid the Clash of Cultures and Civilizations” (Staffordshire University), “Relaciones Públicas Empresariales” (Business Public Relations) (Ed. Dielo) , “20 competencias profesionales para la práctica docente” (20 professional competences for teaching practice) (Editorial Trillas), “Economy and Society” (Editorial ESERP), “O libro de Ouro das Relaçoes Públicas” (The golden book of public relations) (Porto Editora), or “Manual de Banca y Finanzas” (Guide of Banking and Finance) (Planeta) . For his work “Los Estados Unidos de Europa” (The United States of Europe) he received the European Golden Cross from the European Development Foundation in recognition of his contributions to the unity of Europe.
“As a professor in Economics and Business at the Open University La Salle, my goal is to share the knowledge that my research in that area has provided me. In my undergraduate, master and doctorate classes I rely on the motto of the teacher who teaches based on zero to carry out a Business Plan, which contemplates strategic plans of General Management, Public Relations and respect for the public on which we depend; marketing, with its advantages and difficulties, posing real problems. Students themselves identify the learning needs, look for the necessary information for their solution and finally return to the problem, which they debate based on the solutions. A methodology focused on real learning, with university students as the main protagonists. Research and teaching work motivates me constantly”, said Barquero after obtaining the Chair.