Antonio Duran SindreuAntonio Duran-Sindreu, director of the Master’s Degree in Taxation of the Barcelona School of Management of the Pompeu Fabra University and full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), gave last February 21 in the auditorium of the Cultural Center La Llacuna in Andorra la Vella the conference “Bases para una fiscalidad eficiente y justa” (Bases for an efficient and fair taxation). The session was organized by the Andorran Association of Accountants of the Principality. Doctor in Law and recognized tax attorney, Duran-Sindreu is a professor of the Spanish Tax System and the Tax Regime of the Pompeu Fabra University and academic director of the postgraduate course in Taxation at the University of Andorra.

The academician has published seven books of his specialty, among which “Los motivos económicos válidos como técnica contra la elusión fiscal: economía de opción, autonomía de voluntad y causa en los negocios” (The valid economic reasons as a technique against tax avoidance: economics of choice, autonomy of will and cause in business) (Thomson-Aranzadi) and “Fiscalidad de la retribución de administradores y socios profesionales. Teoría del vínculo” (Taxation of the remuneration of administrators and professional partners. Bond theory) (Francis Lefebvre), reference works in tax matters. He also has more than half a hundred articles in scientific and specialized journals and about 400 on tax issues in different publications. He is a member of different editorial boards and a regular contributor to tax issues in general and specialized media such as “La Vanguardia”, “Cinco Días”, “Expansión” and “Iuris Lex”, among others. He was the initiator, promoter and coordinator of the manifesto “Crisis, ética, moral y valores: Una reflexión abierta” (Crisis, ethics, morals and values: An open reflection) (2009).

The Association of Accountants of the Principality is an association that brings together professionals working in Andorra in the field of accounting. Its founding objectives are to obtain the recognition of the profession, treat the professional interests of accountants in a corporate manner and accept all the proposals of accounting professionals that are consistent, for the benefit of the profession. The association collaborates with entities of international scope and doesn’t have the will to compete with existing associations, but to collaborate and, through agreements, complement and reinforce the tasks of common interest.