Numerary Member

Social Sciences: Doctor in Economics

Date of admittance: 12/11/2013

Admission Speech: Formación e investigación: creación de empleo estable. 

Speech in reply: Dr. José Luis Salido Banús

Professor and academician Dr. Mario Barquero is devoted to research in the field of Economic and Social Sciences major in Institutional Public Relations and Management as well as in Marketing and Market Research and dedicated to University Education for more than twenty years.

Prof. Dr. Barquero is involved, among other professional activities, in research studies.  As a result of his research effort, he has published a large number of articles in specialized journals, has prefaced books of important collections by the Publishing House Harvard Business, and has been the author of numerous books edited by many other publishing houses such as McGraw Hill, Deusto, Planeta, Gestión 2000, Lexnova, Amat Editores and Editorial Furtwangen at a national Spanish level, as well as Staffordshire and Porto-Editores, among other publishing houses at an international level. Highlighting the following book titles: ‘El libro de oro de las Relaciones Públicas’, Gestión 2000; ‘Marketing de clientes’, McGraw Hill; ‘Investigación del Mercado Turístico, nuevas generaciones, inversiones de presente’, ACCID; ‘Dirección estratégica de Relaciones Públicas en Europa y América Latina’, Furtwangen; ‘Marketing persuasivo’, Universidad Mayor; o ‘Los Estados Unidos y la Hegemonía mundial: ¿declive o reinvención?’, Furtwangen.

His research has allowed him to be acknowledged as Academician of Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras de España (Spanish Royal Academy for Finance and Economical Sciences), as well as Academician for Madrid of the Reial  Acadèmia de Doctors and as Academician of Advide Superior Europeo de Doctores, (European Board of Governors of Professors), organization in which he holds the General Manager position.

His vast academic background and research work, individually as well as teamworking, has allowed him to currently possess the following relevant academic curriculum: PhD at Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences) of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (published Doctoral Thesis references: ISBN 10:84-611-4386-8 Programa de Doctorado en Marketing Avanzado. Departamento de Economía de la Empresa, Doctorate Programme in Advanced Marketing related to the Business Economy Department of this Faculty.

He has graduated as Licenciado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (he holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations Techniques), Universidad de Gerona, Escuela Superior Universitaria de Ciencias de la Comunicación (School of Higher Education for Media Sciences). He has graduated as Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales (Bachelor’s Degree in Business Sciences), Universidad de Barcelona, Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales (School of Higher Education for Business Studies). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Management & Public Relations, Queen’s University in United Kingdom. He holds a Master en Gestión de Relaciones Públicas en las Organizaciones, Master’s Degree in Institutional Public Relations Management, Universidad de Barcelona, Escuela Superior de Comunicación (School of Higher Education for Media Sciences). Titulado Superior en Derecho (Higher Studies in Law), Instituto Europeo de Derecho y Economía, INEDE (European Institute for Legal Science and Economy). Bachelor’s Degree in Relations Publiques, Institut International de Communication de Paris IICP (International Institute for Communication of Paris), and finally, Titulado en Relaciones Públicas Empresariales y Marketing (Graduate in Business Public Relations and Marketing), Instituto Catalán de Nuevas Profesiones, INCANOP (Catalan Institute for New Professions).

He is considered to be one of the most acknowledged professionals in the field of Public Relations, being one of the first ones in applying those techniques in Spain in within different sectors such as Finance, Stock Market, Banking Industry, Business and Companies and Relational Marketing. Leading Media Corporations at a national level, like the Spanish financial press ‘Expansión’ and ‘Cinco Días’ have included his research studies in their respective encyclopedias devoted to Business Management. He is currently the CEO of the School for Higher Education ESERP, Escuela Universitaria ESERP, assigned to Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, as well as a lecturer in the before said University for the Business Economy Department, giving his lessons in different subjects of Postgraduate Studies, Strategic Marketing and Public Relations. He combines his work as researcher with his professional activity in Business and Corporate Management, as Accounting, Financial and Tax Advisor in several Spanish and foreign Societies.

He is registered as a professional in the field by Ilustre Colegio Central de Titulados Mercantiles y Empresariales de Madrid, being his registration number the following: 10629. He is also a freelancer and collaborates with Colegio Oficial de Publicitarios y Relaciones Públicas providing services related to Public Relations and Media under the registration number 57. He has worked in various companies as a Project Manager constantly assisting Consultancy firms on Communication Strategies, Product Launch studies, holding meetings, seminars and talks in relevant events. He also collaborates with some other European and American Corporations, assisting in the subjects related to Lobby issues and its consequences.

Due to his contribution to the Business Management, he has been awarded and Honorary Doctor by the Universidad de San Andrés de Chile and Honorary Professor by different university institutions.  

Extended CV