Joaquín Callabed, president of the Spanish Social Paediatrics Club and regular contributor to the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has donated to the Library of the Academy his book “Curar a veces, aliviar a menudo, consolar siempre” (PPU) (Heal sometimes, relieve often, console always), an original approach to the problems of childhood and adolescence that in just four years on the Spanish market has become an essential guide for parents and educators.
The book is divided into three blocks. In the first, a group of friends establishes a fluid and enriching dialogue with a number of relevant personalities related to childhood and adolescence, such as the remembered Pedro Laín Entralgo and Juan Rof Carballo, among other outstanding professionals with whom the author has had a relationship throughout his long career. In a second block the relationship between the doctor and the patient and the usual conflicts are addressed. The bioethical aspects are analysed, understanding the rational analysis of the duties we as individuals have for ourselves and with others in relation to life, health, illness and the management of our own body. The last part analyses current issues of social paediatrics, in the form of compilations of about twenty articles by the author, with brief expositions of the current problems of children and young people in their family, school, social environment and how they affect them.
The author approaches from different optical problems such as school violence, cyberbullying, self-esteem, sports, abuse, drugs, hyperactivity, emotional deprivation or divorce and its impact on childhood, among others. Callabed has also published other reference works such as “Accidentes infantiles. Prevención” (Accidents for children, Prevention), “El niño y el adolescente” (The child and adolescent), “Cómo puedo ayudar a un adolescente” (How can I help a teenager) or “El niño y la guardería de siglo XXI” (The child and kindergarten of the 21st century).